Criado por jason.namba
quase 10 anos atrás
What are the 4 ways of knowing about God?
What is the nature of the Bible?
What is the Chalcedonian Principle?
What is the difference between strict inerrancy and limited inerrancy?
What are 3 ways that we interpret the bible?
Single Source Theory
Dual Source Theory
How did liturgical tradition help to correct early heretical beliefs?
What was the Aryan Controversy?
What is Gnosticism?
How then, should we learn about God?
Grudem #3 - Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and members of other cults have claimed present day revelations from God that they count equal to the Bible in authority. What reasons can you give to indicate the falsity of those claims? In practice, do these people treat the Bible as an authority to these other "revelations?"