What are the five sections of the Liturgical Year?
What is advent?
What does Epiphany mean and what does it celebrate?
What is Lent and what does it remember?
What are works of mercy?
What is 'The passion'?
What is the Paschal candle?
What is remembered during advent?
What is remembered at Christmas?
How is advent celebrated?
How is Christmas celebrated and what do these celebrations represent?
What do the ashes on Ash Wednesday symbolise?
What may Christians do during Lent?
What is remembered on Palm Sunday?
How is Palm Sunday remembered?
What is remembered on Maundy Thursday?
How is Maundy Thursday remembered?
What is remembered on Good Friday?
How is Good Friday remembered?
What is remembered on Holy Saturday and how is it remembered?
What is remembered on Easter Sunday?
How is Easter Sunday remembered?
When does the Ascension take place and what does it remember?
When does Pentecost take place and what does it remember?