Criado por Jasmine Ali
mais de 9 anos atrás
What is 'stress'?
What does stress do?
What are the types of stress(s)?
Name the two types of that the way the body responds to stress.
Discuss the body's response to acute stress.
Discuss the body's response to chronic stress.
Evaluation points for the body's response to stress?
Kiecolt-Glaser et al (1984)?
Define 'Life Change'?
The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) is...
Problems with using SRRS?
LIFE CHANGES CASE STUDY: Rahe et al (1970)
LIFE CHANGES CASE STUDY: Micheal and Ben-Zur (2007)
Define 'Daily Hassles'?
Define 'Daily Uplifts'?
Key study: Bouteyre et al (2007)
The Hassles And Uplifts Scale (HSUP), Delongis et al (1982)
Gervais (2005)
Daily Hassles evaluation points?
Define 'Workplace Stressors'?
Marmot et al (1997)?