Criado por Niamh Ryle
quase 10 anos atrás
What was the rise in real wages for unskilled workers? (Impact of WWI)
How many Americans died in military service? (Impact of WWI)
How much did American farmers increase their food exports by? (Impact of WWI)
How many more women were working after the war? (Impact of WWI)
How many were imprisoned under the Sedition Act of 1918? (Impact of WWI)
How much were Britain spending per day on US war goods? (Impact of WWI)
To what size did the army increase? (Impact of WWI)
How much money was raised in the five liberty loan campaigns? (Impact of WWI)
What % of the population did the liberty loan campaigns affect, even after the extended rates? (Impact of WWI)
By what % did industrial production increase between 1916 and 1918? (Impact of WWI)
How much was overseas investment worth? (Impact of WWI)
How much did National Debt rise by and to what amount? (Impact of WWI)
What % of the population were living in cities of over half a million? (Years of prosperity)
By 1930, what % of those living in cities had access to electricity? (Years of prosperity)
At what height did the Empire State Building stand? (Years of prosperity)
What did the black population of New York rise to between 1910 and 1930? (Years of prosperity)
By what factor did the population of Elmwood Park, Chicago multiply by? (Years of prosperity)
What did the production time of a Ford Model T fall to? (Years of prosperity)
By 1925, what had the price of a Ford Model T fallen to? (Years of prosperity)
By 1921, what % of cars sold in the US was Ford producing? (Years of prosperity)
By 1929, how many cars were registered on the roads of the USA compared to the beginning of the decade? (Years of prosperity)
What % of steel, plate glass and rubber went into making cars? (Years of prosperity?
By 1929, how many people were involved in car manufacture? (Years of prosperity)
How many were involved in the West Virginia railway strike of 1922? (Years of prosperity)
What % of families owned vacuum cleaners? (Years of prosperity)
By 1929, how much were companies spending on advertising per year? (Years of prosperity)
What % of radios were bought on hire purchase? (Years of prosperity)
By 1930, how often were Americans going to cinema on average? (Years of prosperity)
In 1929, how many co-operations owned what portion of US industry? (Years of prosperity)
By the end of 1922, around how many radio stations were broadcasting to how many radios? (Years of prosperity)
Mellon imposed a policy that, in three cuts, reduced the maximum rate of income tax to what %? (Years of prosperity)
How much did tariffs increase the price of goods by on average? (Years of prosperity)
How many enforcement agents were enlisted to cover how many miles of coastline and land border? (Social tensions)
How many litres of alcohol were destroyed in 1929? (Social tensions)
How many speakeasies were there in New York after Prohibition was implemented? (Social tensions)
What did the cost of a high ball drink rise to? (Social tensions)
By what % did arrests for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct fall between 1916 and 1922? (Social tensions)
How much was Capone's reported income in 1927? (Social tensions)
How many gangland murders were there in Chicago following Prohibition? (Social tensions)
How many Catholic Italians immigrated between 1880 and 1920? (Social tensions)
How many arrests were made during the Palmer raids, with how many prosecuted and how many deported? (Social tensions)
To what % of each nationality resident on the 1910 census limit immigration to in the Emergency Quota Act of 1921? (Social tensions)
After changing it to the 1890 census, what % of each nationality resident did the National Origins Act of 1924 limit immigration to? (Social tensions)
By 1925, how many members did the KKK claim to have? (Social tensions)
What % of the 5 million KKK members in 1925 were from Indiana, Illinois and Ohio and what % were from the old South? (Social tensions)
What had KKK membership fallen back to in 1930 after controversy? (Social tensions)
How many women were in the workplace by 1930? (Social tensions)
How many women were elected as state governors following their husbands and how many in the House of Representatives? (Social tensions)
What did the value of the cosmetics industry rise to? (Social tensions)
Between 1929 and 1932, what % of US banks collapsed? (Controversy)
How many weeks after the Crash did it take for the market to halve in value? (Controversy)
What % of Americans actually owned shares? (Controversy)
How much was wiped off share value? (Controversy)
How much did the six big banks spend in an attempt to improve matters, with how many shares bought in US Steel? (Controversy)
How many small to medium sized banks were there in America under how many different regimes? (Controversy)
How many depositors collapsed with the Bank of the United States in December 1930? (Controversy)
Despite government efforts to freeze wages, by what % had US Steel cut wages by 1931? (Controversy)
The US Steel wage cut meant that in ten days how many workers had less money in their pockets? (Controversy)
The value of international trade fell by how much between 1929 and 1932? (Controversy)
What % GNP was Federal expenditure compared to how much by the 1990s? (Controversy)
How many times bigger was state budget than federal budget? (Controversy)
How much was allocated in the Agricultural Marketing Act to help farmer owned co-operatives? (Controversy)
How much of what budget was actually spent by the National Credit Corporation in 1931? (Controversy)
How much was given to states to finance public works? (Controversy)
How many families lived under the $2000 breadline? (Controversy)
What % owned over how much of the wealth? (Controversy)
How much did General Electric's income fall by between 1930 and 1932? (Controversy)
How many farm foreclosures were there out of how many farms in Mississippi? (Controversy)
In 1931, how many man days were lost to strikes? (Controversy)
What did the price of a bushel of wheat fall from between 1919 and 1922? (Controversy)
How much did the RFC make available to rescue banks, trusts, credit unions and other financial institutions? (Controversy)
What % of the RFC's budget went to small/medium banks and how much of the first x was given to x institutions? (Controversy)
In 1931, Hoover announced a moratorium and postponed debt collection for how many months? (Controversy)
The Federal Home Loan of 1932 was intended to save mortgages and make credit easier to get with up to what % assistance? (Controversy)
How much did the Revenue Act of 1932 raise the maximum rate of income by? (Controversy)
By 1933, what % of the urban workforce had lost their jobs and how much had their income decreased by? (Controversy)
How much did Ford's workforce fall by between 1929 and 1931? (Controversy)
How many votes did Sinclair poll? (Opposition to New Deal)
How many states had pensions and what did Townsend propose this to be raised to? (Opposition to New Deal)
How did Townsend propose to pay for his pension scheme and what % of the National Budget would this have used in reality? (Opposition to New Deal)
What had membership of Townsend clubs risen to by 1935? (Opposition to New Deal)
How many of all radio listeners tuned in to Father Charles Edward Coughlin's show? (Opposition to New Deal)
What had membership of Huey Long's 'Share Our Wealth' clubs risen to in 1935? (Opposition to New Deal)
What did Huey Long propose be established for all families in America? (Opposition to New Deal)
Had he stood, what % of the vote was Long predicted in the 1936 election? (Opposition to New Deal)
How much did the 1935 Wealth Tax Act plan to cut back levy on incomes by? (Opposition to New Deal)
How many Republicans to Democrats were there in Congress in 1937? (Opposition to New Deal)
How many Senators were from rural America in Congress? (Opposition to New Deal)
How many votes did Roosevelt receive in the 1932 election? (Opposition to New Deal)
How many followers did the business community get? (Opposition to New Deal)
How many judges did Roosevelt propose to allocate for every serving justice over 70? (Opposition to New Deal)
By 1944, how much of the Federal expenditure was spent on the war? (WWII)
What % of WW2 was paid for by taxation, compared to what % of WW1? (WWII)
How many new rubber plants were constructed? (WWII)
Despite owning only what % of the population did the USA produce over half of manufactured goods? (WWII)
Federal expenditure was what in 1945 compared to how much pre-war? (WWII)
Of what size did the USA aim to build an army of? (WWII)
How many more tons of steel a year did the USA produce than Germany, despite only using 1/3 of steel plants? (WWII)
How long did it supposedly take Henry Kaiser to build a Liberty ship? (WWII)
By 1944, how many of Ford's bombers were being built a day? (WWII)
By 1942, the US had produced how many more aircraft than the Axis? (WWII)
How many radio transmitters did Russia receive from the US? (WWII)
By 1943, what % was the unemployment level? (WWII)
How many jobs were created during the war, leading to a doubling in real wages? (WWII)
How many more women were in work after the war? (WWII)
What % of the electrical manufacturing industry were female by the end of the war? (WWII)
By what % did earnings in the bottom fifth of society rise by, however what did their share in the National Income rise by? (WWII)
What % of people moved location during the war? (WWII)
What % of working days lost during the war did strikes count for? (WWII)
How many African Americans were enabled jobs due to the war? (WWII)
How many were killed in the riots/street fights in the summer of 1943 in Detroit, and how many of these were black? (WWII)
What % of families were under the poverty line with how many going without running water? (WWII)
How many homes in Kentucky had a car by 1950? (WWII)
By the end of the 1950s, what % of Americans lived in the suburbs? (WWII)
How many cars were on the road by 1950? (WWII)
How much was spent on gum in 1952? (WWII)
What % of the population did the babies born between 1946 and 1964 make up? (WWII)
How many Soviet agents were reporting back to the NKVD in 1941? (WWII)
Between 1947 and 1951, how many government employees were forced to resign and how many states supported this process? (WWII)
How many 'Communists' in the State Department were on McCarthy's list? (WWII)
What was the highest rate of income tax on the very rich? (WWII)
By what % did the number of Americans paying income tax rise by between 1940 to 1945? (WWII)