Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago


Criado por SN15 mais de 9 anos atrás

chapter 26 (462-490)

Questão 1 de 10


A student nurse is caring for a 72-year-old client with Alzheimer’s disease who is very confused. Which is the most appropriate communication strategy to be used by the student nurse?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Written directions for bathing

  • Speaking very loudly

  • Gentle touch while providing ADLs

  • Flat facial expression


Questão 2 de 10


Place the following descriptions of the helping relationship phases in the correct sequence. (default answer will be a, do sequence on paper) (3,1,2,4)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • After introductions, the nurse asks, “What plans do you have for the upcoming holiday weekend?”

  • The nurse states, “It sounds like you are concerned about the possible complications of having diabetes. What would be the most helpful for you at this time?”

  • The nurse reads in the medical history that the client was diagnosed with diabetes 1 week ago.

  • The nurse states, “When we met, you knew very little about diabetes and now you are able to use your new information and apply it to your own personal situations.”


Questão 3 de 10


The nurse who uses appropriate therapeutic listening skills will display which behaviors? Select all that apply.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Absorb both the content and the feeling the client is conveying.

  • Presume an understanding of the client needs

  • Adopt an open professional posture.

  • React quickly to the message.

  • Reassure the client that everything will be fine.


Questão 4 de 10


A nurse tells a client who is struggling with cancer pain, “It is normal to feel frustrated about the discomfort.” Which is most representative of the skills associated with the working phase of the helping relationship?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Respect

  • Genuineness

  • Concreteness

  • Confrontation


Questão 5 de 10


A depressed client who has not bathed or dressed in clean clothes today is reading the lunch menu but is unable to make a decision. Which would be the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Anxiety

  • Powerlessness

  • Chronic Low Self-Esteem

  • Social Isolation


Questão 6 de 10


After being admitted for emergency surgery, an 80-year-old client has just returned to the room from the PAR (postanesthesia room). Which nursing interventions are most likely to facilitate effective communication with this client? Select all that apply.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Ask the client, “Do you know where you are?”

  • Ask the client or support person about visual or learning problems.

  • Inform the client and support person(s) about events likely to occur during the next 2 hours.

  • Provide the client with instructions about discharge


Questão 7 de 10


The nurse is communicating with a well-oriented older adult client in a long-term care setting. Which statement best reflects respectful and caring communication?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • “Are we ready for our shower?”

  • “It’s time to go to the dining room, honey.”

  • “Are you comfortable, Mrs. Smith?”

  • “You would rather wear the slacks, wouldn’t you?”


Questão 8 de 10


The client made the following statement to the nurse, “My doctor just told me that he cannot save my leg and that I need to have an above-the-knee amputation.” Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • “Dr. Jones is an excellent surgeon.”

  • "Are you in pain?”

  • “If I were you, I’d get a second opinion.”

  • “Tell me more. . . .”


Questão 9 de 10


The nurse is communicating with a primary care provider about medical interventions prescribed for a client. Which statement is most representative of a collaborative relationship?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • “That new medication you prescribed for Mr. Black is ineffective.”

  • “I am worried about Mr. Black’s blood pressure. It is not decreasing even with the new antihypertensive medication.”

  • “Can we talk about Mr. Black?”

  • “Excuse me doctor. I think we need to talk about Mr. Black’s blood pressure.”


Questão 10 de 10


The nurse asks the client, “What do you fear most about your surgery tomorrow?” This is an example of which communication technique?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Providing general leads

  • Seeking clarification

  • Presenting reality

  • Summarizing
