Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago


Criado por SN15 mais de 9 anos atrás

chapter 15

Questão 1 de 10


Which action by a nurse ensures confidentiality of a client’s computer record?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The nurse logs on to the client’s file and leaves the computer to answer the client’s call light.

  • The nurse shares her computer password.

  • The nurse closes a client’s computer file and logs off.

  • The nurse leaves client computer worksheets at the computer workstation.


Questão 2 de 10


The case management model using critical pathways would be appropriate for a client with which diagnosis?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Myocardial infarction (heart attack)

  • Diabetes, hypertension

  • Myocardial infarction, diabetes, hypertension

  • Diabetes, hypertension, an infected foot ulcer, senile


Questão 3 de 10


After making a documentation error, which action should the nurse take?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Use correcting liquid to cover the mistake and make a new entry.

  • Draw a line through it and write error above the entry.

  • Draw a line through it and write mistaken entry above it.

  • Draw a line through the mistake and write mistaken entry with initials above it.


Questão 4 de 10


Which charting entry would be the most defensible in court?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Client fell out of bed

  • Client drunk on admission

  • Large bruise on left thigh

  • Notified Dr. Jones of BP of 90/40


Questão 5 de 10


The client’s VS are WNL. He has BRP and he receives his pain pill PRN. His nutrition is DAT. Interpret the commonly used abbreviations. (write interpretations on paper, default answer will be a, answer will be given at the end of test)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NKA:___________

  • BRP:___________

  • PRN:___________

  • DAT:__________


Questão 6 de 10


During the first day a nurse is caring for a client who has been in the hospital for 2 days, the nurse thinks that the client’s blood pressure (BP) seems high. What is the next step?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Ask the client about past blood pressure ranges.

  • Review the graphic record on the client’s record.

  • Examine the medication record for antihypertensive medications.

  • Review the progress notes included in the client’s record.


Questão 7 de 10


A student nurse observes the change-of-shift report. Which behavior(s) by the reporting nurse represents effective nursing practice? Select all that apply

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Provides the medical diagnosis or reason for admission

  • States the time the client last received pain medication

  • Speaks loudly when giving report

  • States priorities of care that are due shortly after the report

  • Reports on number of visitors for each client


Questão 8 de 10


Which charting entries are written correctly? Select all that apply.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • MS 5 gr given IV for c/o abdominal pain

  • Lanoxin 0.25 mg given orally per Dr. Smith’s stat order

  • KCl 15 mL given orally for K+ level of 2.9

  • Regular insulin 10.0 u given SQ for capillary blood glucose of 180

  • Ambien 5 mg given orally at bedtime per request


Questão 9 de 10


A 74-year-old female is brought to the emergency department c/o right hip pain. The right leg is shorter than the left and is externally rotated. During inspection, the nurse observes whatappears to be cigarette burns on the client’s inner thighs. Which of the following is the most appropriate documentation?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Six round skin lesions partially healed, on the inner thighs bilaterally

  • Several burned areas on both of the client’s inner thighs

  • Multiple lesions on inner thighs possibly related to elder abuse

  • Several lesions on inner thighs similar to cigarette burns


Questão 10 de 10


Which charting rule(s) will keep the nurse legally safe? Select all that apply.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Use military time

  • Document worries or concerns expressed by the client.

  • Perform most of the charting at the end of the shift.

  • Record only information that pertains to the client’s health problems.
