Criado por Sameet Govan
mais de 9 anos atrás
Most common type of headache
Intracranial pain sensitive structures
extracranial pain sensitive structures
what is costen's syndrome
what drug to avoid in migraine (analgesic)
webers and rinnes which tuning fork
Webers interpretation
Rinne's interpretation
which children with otitis media with effusion require immediate specialist referral
menieres disease in a nutshell
how to assess for stroke in A&E
stroke internal carotid artery occlusion
anterior cerebral stroke
middel cerebral artery stroke
vertebral artery occlusion
basillar artery occlusion
posterior cerebral artery occlusion
cerebellar arteries
superior cerebellar artery syndrome
anterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome
posterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome
basilar artery paramedian branch occlusion
where to cortical infarcts occur
lacurnar stroke syndromes
important things to exclude before TIA
risk assessment in patient with TIA but no neurological symptoms
who can be high risk of stroke even if ABCD2 score is less than 4
ABCD2 low risk of stroke score <=3
who should have carotid imaging
primary and secondary prevention of stroke`
in diabetes where might hard exudates be found
primary open angle glaucoma
treatment of primary open angle glaucoma
normal pressure glaucoma
acute angle colsure glaucoma
symptoms of macula dysfunction
discharge and type of conjunctivitis
bitemporal hemianopia and location of pathology based on which section lost first
Simple partial vs complex partial seizure
Tools for assessment of disability or needs in elderly people
initial dopamine treatment
other parkinsons treatment other than dopamine agonist and levodopa
Folstein MMSE score to suspect cognitive impairment
AMTS score which suggests dementia
who is at risk of falls
fracture prevention groups
two types of pathology in peripheral neuropathy
commonest cause of acute symmetrical peripheral neuropathy
commonest cause of acute multiple mononeuroapthy
typical foot shape in charcot marie foot disease
charcot marie tooth disease
Importance of reflexes in Proximal muscle weakness
Limb weakness with variable intensity
myotonic dystrophy
polymyositis and dermatomyositis
secondary causes of proximal weakness
Things that do not happen in motor neuron disease
only approved drug for motor neuron disease
summary of eyelid problems
Migraine classification according to international headache classification
Migraine symptoms requiring secondary referral
Otitis externa management
Acute management of stroke
when to consider carotid endarterectomy in stroke pt
Two broad classifications of seizures
Types of general seizure
types of focal seizure
what is west syndrome
what is lennox-gastaut syndrome
Childhood absence epilepsy
what is benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes
What is Early-onset benign childhood occipital epilepsy (Panayiotopoulos type)
what is juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
How to diagnose epilepsy, when to image and when to treat
Which drug not to use in women of child bearing age with epilepsy
epilepsy drugs real simple according to NICE
acute and prophylactic management of migraine
How does baclofen work and what is it used for
name the 3 acetylcholinesterase inhibitors used in Alzheimer's disease
what is the following
Cutaneous features
depigmented 'ash-leaf' spots which fluoresce under UV light
roughened patches of skin over lumbar spine (Shagreen patches)
adenoma sebaceum (angiofibromas): butterfly distribution over nose
fibromata beneath nails (subungual fibromata)
café-au-lait spots* may be seen
Neurological features
developmental delay
epilepsy (infantile spasms or partial)
intellectual impairment
retinal hamartomas: dense white areas on retina (phakomata)
rhabdomyomas of the heart
gliomatous changes can occur in the brain lesions
polycystic kidneys, renal angiomyolipomata
lymphangioleiomyomatosis: multiple lung cysts
Pre auricular lymph nodes in conjunctivitis is most likely to be what?
MOA of sodium valproate and lamotrigine
What is ethosuximide good for
what is carbidopa and benserazide
which drug can be given to reduce peripheral side effects of dopaminergic drugs
what does entacapone do and how does it work
side effects od dopaminergic drugs
alternative starting therapy option in parkinson's
drug used to manage 'off' periods in parkinsons
How to MAOb inihibitors work
When to start parkinsons disease treatment
medication to prescribe in SAH
Causes of optic neuritis and its features
Two broad classifications of diabetic retinopathy and the features