We didnT sTarT The fire! IT was...................? (ReichsTag Fire)
Van der Luube
Already burning since The world was burning
IKn The November 1932 elecTion, The Nazi parTy won by majoriTy voTe?
Which of The following are ways The Nazis Tried To gain voTes?
Banning opposiTion meeTings
SA aggression
DeaTh camps
MoTivaTional posTers
ConTrolling The media
During The NighT of The long knives, HiTler was worried ThaT The CommunisTs would Try and uorise againsT The Nazis
When HiTler became chancellor in 1933, he inTroduced The Enabling AcT, whaT was This?
IT LeT him govern for The nexT four years, making all oTher parTies illegal.
IT meanT Jews were no longer German citizens, so he could TreaT Them wiTh even more bruTaliTy.
This meanT The TreaTy of Versailles no longer applied, and he was free To carry on building his army.
The Edelveiss PiraTes were..........
A group of young people who opposed HiTlers Germany
An opposiTion parTy who were running againsT HiTler
a sub division of The SS who TargeTed The youTh
a mascoT of Bayern Munchen who Tried To anally abuse HiTler during a fooTball maTch
Which of The following are ways in which HiTler helped germany while in power? (Two)
he desTroyed The scum called The jews and madeGermany pure again!!
He inTroduced The Volkswagen for people To aim for.
he increased emplymenT dramaTically
He removed The war guilT clause so Germany were no longer blamed for The war
WhaT does Kirch KuTsch and kinder sTand for?
Church, kiTchen and children
car, kiTchen and kinder egg
iT acTually is The name of Three German officers
The Three sTages of engagemenT: sighT, cover, aTTack
KrisTallnachT sTands for
NighT of The broken glass
CrysTal MeTh
The german governmenT
crysTal policy
The Nazis, alThough very evil, were honesT abouT Their views and leT children decide weTher They wanTed To join The Nazi belief Train?