Criado por Sherri Norton
mais de 9 anos atrás
The code used to create all webpages
A group of formatting instructions that enable you to easily apply formats to specific items on your Web pages. Controls the “look” of elements.
A Dreamweaver panel that displays properties for the currently selected object.
A panel in Dreamweaver that shows categories from which to insert objects into a Web page.
A collection of web pages and other objects, such as images, that are linked to create a resource about a specific subject.
A program that enables a user to view and move among pages on the World Wide Web. (i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
The first page of a Website, displayed when the website is accessed. Always saved as index.html or default.html.
An automated process that provides steps for setting up your website in Dreamweaver before you begin working.
A characteristic that is applied to an HTML tag (for example, id= or class=)
An HTML tag used to indicate the end of an element
The view in Dreamweaver that shows the HTML
The document window in Dreamweaver that shows the page similar to how it will look in the browser
The name of an HTML tag – the first word following the bracket
Section of your code that contains important information needed to display your page such as the title, character set, keywords, meta tags, and CSS
Words that describe your site content added to a meta tag
An HTML tag that starts a new line without leaving space between paragraphs
An HTML tag that identifies the start of a new element
Special symbols like the copyright symbol © coded as ©
Collection of fonts that can be applied to text on a webpage