The sand collector is called ...
Nick D'Errico
Nico D'Errico
When did his fascination with sand begin?
during his surfing holiday
during his honeymoon
during his trip to Jamaica before his marriage
Why did he collect some sand during his honeymoon?
He wanted to have a souvenir from their holiday.
He wanted to have some memories about their holiday.
Nick's wife is working for ...
a travel agency
an office
a magazine
When you're looking through a microscope, you can see that ...
sand looks different
sand looks the same
sand doesen't look like sand
How many different kinds of sand does Nick have?
between 5,000 and 6,000
between 18,000 and 19,000
between 9,000 and 10,000
What is the most expensive sand?
sand from the south
sand from exotic beaches
moon sand
What does the Sand Society have?
the biggest collection of sand
regular meetings