Criado por Fern Chipperfield
quase 10 anos atrás
What are the 3 types of food fortification?
How can nutrients be lost in food?
Name the 6 Types of food Addivites.
Who needs to approve Food addivites in the UK?
Who Regulates food additives in the UK?
Give 2 examples of 'Equivalence' fortification of foods?
Define 'Equivalence' Fortication of foods.
Define 'Restoration' fortification of foods. Give an example.
Define 'Enrichment' fortification of foods. Give an example.
Give examples of mandatory fortification in the uk.
Give an example of voluntary fortification in the UK.
Name some practical issues of food fortification.
What are the advantages of Food fortification?
What are the disadvantages for fortification of food?
Define 'Food Additive'.
What are E numbers?
What 3 types of additives are there?
For what reasons are food additives authorised?
Why are Colorings used in food?
Why are preservatives used in food?
Why are antioxidants used in food?
Why are sweetners used in food?
Why are emulsifers used in Food?
Give an example of OTHER food additives?
What does acceptability mean?
Give an example of an artifical food colouring.
Give an example of an E number used as a preservative.
Give an example of an E number used as an antioxidant.
Give an example of a sweetner.
Name the 2 types of sweetners.
When can sweetners not be used in food?
Give an example of an intense sweetner.
Give an example of a gelling agent.
Give an example of an additive in the OTHERS catagory.
Give an example to a Metabolic disorder linking with food additives.
What are the benefits of artifical sweetners?
Give an example of an additive implicated in hypersensitivity.
Explain some health implications of food additives.
What are the 2 types of Menu?
Why are menus needed?
Who should be involved in menu planning?
What factors need to be considered in menu planning?
Name different types of vegatarian
Explain the religious beliefs of one main religion.
Why is fluid is so important?
What are the risks of being dehydrated?
How much of the NHS budget is used on food?
What are the different types of food production?
What is the main issue with wasted food in the NHS?
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cook chill/cook freeze?
What are the Advantages of Conventional cooking?
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of 'Steamplicty'?
What are the
Advantages and Disadvantages of Bulk cooking?
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Plated service?
10 key characteristics of good nutritional care in hospitals.
What temperature must food be reheated at?
Which cooking method keeps the most nutrients?
What is decentralized serive?
What is centralized service?
What is food wastage?
How can food waste be minimised?
What type of menus are there in the NHS?
What does CIEH stand for?
What does the food standards agency do?
What is HACCP?
Define 'Food proccesing'.
Advantages and Disadvantages of food processing
Define 'food preservation'.
What methods of food preservation are there?
Name the types of heating preservation techneques.
Name the types of cooling preservation techneques.
Name the 5 ways of reducing water content to preserve food.
What is irradiation?
Name a chemical preservative and how it works.
What are 'Minimally processed foods'?
What are 'Substances extracted from foods'?
what are 'Ultra processed foods'?
What are the advantages of Food preservation?
What is Pasteurisation?
What is heat sterilisation?
Give 2 Disadvantages
What is UHT ( Ultra heat treated)?
What is 'Evaporated' milk?
What is 'Condensed' milk?
What is Blanching?
What is 'Canning'?
What are the advantages and disadvantages to canning?
What is Freezing?
What is refrigeration?
How does reducing water content preserve food?
How does sugaring work?
How does salting work?
Give examples of food that can be pickled.
What happens to food that has been dried?
What are the different types of drying milk?
What are the effects of smoking food as a way of preserving?
What is a public health issue linked to salting foods?
What is vacum packaging?
How is protien effected by cooking?
How is vitamin A effected?
How is thiamine effected?
what effects riboflavin?
what effects Folate?
What effects Vitamin C?
What effects Vitamin D?
What effects Vitamin E?