Criado por Cleo Smiley
quase 10 anos atrás
what is food processing?
What can processing food remove?
Advantages of food processing.
what is food preservation?
How do enzymes affect food?
how do micro-organisms and yeast affect food?
Advantages of food preservation:
Definition of food preservation:
What should be maintained in food preservation?
What are methods of preservation & storage?
What are 2 types of heating methods?
What are 2 types of cooling?
What are 5 types of reducing water content?
What are 3 other types of preserving food methods?
What is pasteurization and what effect does it have on food?
What are some foods that are pasteurized and how is this done?
What are some public health concerns with raw/unpasteurized milk?
What is heat sterilization?
What is an example of food that is heat sterilized and how?
What is UHT?
example of UHT food and how.
What is Blanching?
What happens in blanching?
What are Nutrient losses/gains in Blanching.
What is canning?
What foods can be canned?
Are there any gains or losses in canning?
What is freezing?
Are there any changes in freezing?
What is refrigeration?
Are there changes in refrigeration?
What is sugaring?
Changes in sugaring?
Examples of foods that are sugared.
What is salting?
Changes in salting?
What is pickling?
Changes in pickling?
What is drying?
Changes in drying?
What is smoking?
Smoking Health concerns?
Changes in smoking?