Ma Hi
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

TYPO3 Quiz sobre Chapter 6, criado por Ma Hi em 15-05-2015.

Ma Hi
Criado por Ma Hi mais de 9 anos atrás

Chapter 6

Questão 1 de 37


Which methods can you use to access the list view? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You click on the Web > List module on the left in the backend.

  • You click on the appropriate icon on the top right in the submodules of the Web module.

  • In the Info sub-module, select the Pagetree overview function and click the appropriate page icon. Then select Web > Edit.

  • In the Info sub-module, select the Pagetree overview function and click the open icon.

  • You right-click a page in the page tree and select Web > List.


Questão 2 de 37


How can you move a page? (4)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Unfortunately, that is not possible. You have to delete a page and then create it in a different place.

  • By using drag & drop in the page tree.

  • By right-clicking on Cut and Paste in the page tree

  • By right-clicking Page actions > Cut and Page actions > Paste in the page tree

  • By using the Move up in list and Move down in list buttons in the List module.

  • By using the clipboard.


Questão 3 de 37


By default, the backend has exactly four columns in the page view. How can you hide all but the “Normal” column from your editors? (1)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • You switch off the three other columns in the Install Tool.

  • You enter the following TypoScript code in the Page TSconfig of the root page:
    mod.SHARED.colPos_list = 0

  • You enter the following TypoScript code in the TypoScript setup:
    mod.SHARED.colPos_list = 0

  • You enter the following TypoScript code in the User TSconfig of the editor:
    mod.colPos_list.SHARED = 0


Questão 4 de 37


What happens if you place the following code in the Page TSconfig of the root page? (1)
TCEFORM.tt_content.colPos {
altLabels {
1 = Werbung

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Each page title is changed to “Werbung”.

  • A column named “Werbung” is added to the page view of the backend.

  • A content element named “Werbung” is added to every page.

  • The tt_content database table will be extended by the Werbung column.

  • The “Left” column is renamed “Werbung” in the editing mode of the content element.


Questão 5 de 37


Does TYPO3 have an undo function; if so, where is it? (3)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • No, TYPO3 does not have an undo function, but it can be added through extensions.

  • Yes, in the List module.

  • Yes, in the Page module.

  • In the Info module.

  • In the Versioning module.


Questão 6 de 37


Page trees can become very confusing, especially in larger websites. How can you proceed if you want the pagetree view to display only the subtree you are working on? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Unfortunately, that is not possible.

  • If you enter the name of the page in the search field above the page tree, only the sub-tree is displayed.

  • You select the Mount as tree root option in the page properties of the page.

  • You select Branch actions > Mount as tree root from the context menu of the page.

  • You use the Page TSconfig setting: mod.mountAsTreeRoot = 1.


Questão 7 de 37


If a TYPO3 installation is large and therefore confusing, it is useful if you can quickly find the pages you have to edit frequently. What is the best way to do this? (1)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Using a bookmark in the browser

  • Using the Shortcuts extension

  • Using the Shortcuts function

  • Using the Shortcuts module

  • Using the TypoScript config.shortcuts + id1,id2,id3,... option


Questão 8 de 37


Clicking a page with content elements while in the Web > Page module will display the column view by default. However, you want to go straight to the entry screen for the first content element in the “Normal” column. Is this possible, and if so, how? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • That is not possible.

  • You can use the editFormsFirst setting in the Install Tool.

  • You can select QuickEdit from the function menu.

  • You can enter TCEform.directEdit = 1 in the Page TSconfig.

  • You can enter mod.web_layout.QEisDefault = 1 in the Page TSconfig.


Questão 9 de 37


In the page properties, what function(s) does the Stop page tree field have? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Further pages in the page tree will no longer be displayed below this

  • Further pages in the page tree will no longer be displayed within
    this page.

  • Further pages in the menu in the frontend will no longer be displayed
    below this page.

  • Further pages in the menu in the frontend will no longer be displayed
    within this page.

  • With this option, the sub pages of a page in a number of backend
    modules are hidden and a red plus sign appears instead.

  • This field has no function since TYPO3 4.5 LTS.


Questão 10 de 37


A user has edited a content element, and now it contains grave content errors. What can you do in this situation? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • The only option is to overhaul the contents manually.

  • You can get an overview of all changes in the List module.

  • You can get an overview of all changes in the Admin tools module.

  • You can get an overview of all changes in the Info module.

  • The only way to rectify this is by looking in the database and undoing the changes made there.


Questão 11 de 37


You suspect that someone has logged in with your TYPO3 account without authorization. How can you check this? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • The System ‣ Log module shows when someone has logged in using your account.

  • In your user settings, you can specify that you receive an e-mail whenever someone uses your account to log in.

  • You can only check this in the database in the sys_log table.

  • There is nothing you can do apart from changing your password.

  • The time and date (and IP) of your last login will be displayed when you log in.


Questão 12 de 37


You have administrator permissions and want to make extensive changes in the backend. No other user may be logged in while you do this. How do you proceed? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You write an e-mail to all backend users and request them not to log on.

  • You change the passwords of all backend users and keep the new passwords under wraps for the time being.

  • You rename the typo3 directory and keep the URL secret for the
    time being.

  • You switch the backend to the Admin-only status.

  • You call up the backend using the &adminOnly=1 GET parameter.


Questão 13 de 37


In which of these modules can you enter TypoScript setup code? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Web > Page

  • Web > List

  • Web > Template

  • Web > TemplaVoilà

  • Web > TypoScript


Questão 14 de 37


Is it possible to create multiple pages simultaneously? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • No, you have to create one page at a time.

  • Yes, by right-clicking the start page and then using the Page-Generator menu.

  • Yes, by right-clicking any page in the page tree and selecting Web > List.

  • Using the Functions module

  • Using the List module


Questão 15 de 37


Is it possible to sort all pages from one level in the backend simultaneously, and if so, how? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Yes, you can use the Page Functions wizard in the Install Tool to sort the pages.

  • Yes, you can use drag & drop to sort all the pages at once in the page tree.

  • No, you have to sort one page at a time, using drag & drop, for example.

  • Yes, using the Functions module

  • Yes, there is a sorting option above the page tree.


Questão 16 de 37


On any page, you can enter a TypoScript code referred to as Page TSconfig or Page TypoScript Config. Where can you find an overview of all scripts in use? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • In the TSOB (TypoScript Object Browser).

  • Using the All TSconfig extension.

  • Using the Web > Info module

  • You have to call up the page properties for each individual page.

  • In the Admin tools > Configuration module


Questão 17 de 37


You want to contact another backend user, but you do not have the administrator rights required to determine his or her e-mail address. How do you proceed? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You wait until the user logs in and then send an e-mail using the messaging system in TYPO3.

  • You send an e-mail via the Task Center.

  • You use the phpMyAdmin extension to extract the e-mail address from the be_users database table.

  • The only way is to write an e-mail to the administrator and request him or her to forward the e-mail to the user.


Questão 18 de 37


You want to display a list of all frontend users that live in Munich. Is this possible, and if so, how? (3)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • By using the phpMyAdmin extension

  • This is not possible; TYPO3 prevents direct access to the database.

  • You can view all frontend users in the List module and then sort them by their place of residence in the Single table view.

  • By using Action to create a specific SQL query that returns the required information in the Task Center.

  • A separate extension has to be programmed for this purpose.


Questão 19 de 37


How can you create a new backend user? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You cannot create additional backend users in TYPO3, only frontend users.

  • By right-clicking the page with the globe icon and selecting New > Backend user

  • In the Page module

  • In the List module

  • In the User admin module

  • In the System module

  • In the Admin tools module


Questão 20 de 37


What is a DB-Mount and how can you set one up? (3)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • A DB-Mount allows other databases to be connected (mounted) with TYPO3.

  • The database used by TYPO3 (usually MySQL) is connected to the core system through the DB-Mount.

  • You can use a DB-Mount to restrict database access for users and groups.

  • You can use a DB-Mount to restrict page tree access for users.

  • It is set up in the backend group configuration.

  • It is set up in the backend user configuration.

  • It is set up in the Database analyzer section of the Install Tool.

  • It is set up in the DB Check module.


Questão 21 de 37


You have correctly set up the DB-Mount for a user, but the user cannot see any pages. Why could this be? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You have to set the admin flag in the user settings, as only administrator users may access DB-Mounts.

  • You have to create a user group and assign the user to this group.

  • You have to set up read permissions for the corresponding pages in the Access module.

  • You first need to configure visibility in excludelists.

  • You have to activate the function in the User TSconfig.


Questão 22 de 37


Which areas do you need in order to set up user permissions for backend users in a sensible manner? (4)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Backend user administration

  • The System module

  • Backend group administration

  • The User Settings module

  • The Access module

  • The User Admin module


Questão 23 de 37


Multiple backend users have been created in your system. How can you call up a clear summary of the information on these users (e.g. allocated permissions or file mounts)? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • In the Info module

  • In the User admin module

  • In the Backend users module

  • In the List module

  • Using the User comparison extension.


Questão 24 de 37


Why are the passwords of backend users MD5-encrypted? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • For safety reasons, as this prevents passwords from being identified.

  • The passwords are not encrypted; after all, users can change them.

  • For performance reasons, a quick encryption method like MD5 was selected. This makes login faster.

  • LDAP and OpenID, for example, only work with MD5 passwords, so TYPO3 was set up in the same way for reasons of compatibility.

  • According to GPL, passwords of Open Source applications must always be stored in encrypted form.


Questão 25 de 37


You can specify Encryption Key in the Install Tool. What does it do? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • TYPO3 uses the key to calculate the cHash value.

  • The key is included in the calculation of the encrypted passwords.

  • It is the superadmin password in case the administrator forgets his or her password.

  • All pages in the cache are encrypted using the encryption key to prevent them from being read out.

  • The encryption key is used to encrypt the contents of the database for protection.


Questão 26 de 37


What is needed to allow a user to change the contents of a page but not the page itself? (3)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Settings in the user settings

  • Correct settings in the AccessList of the user group

  • A corresponding filemount

  • Suitable permissions in the Access module

  • Entries in the User TSconfig

  • A DB-Mount


Questão 27 de 37


Describe a quick way to gain an overview of the permissions that users have in the page tree (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Using the Access module

  • Using the Info module

  • Using the Admin tools module

  • Using the System module

  • Using the Install Tool.


Questão 28 de 37


Is it possible to restrict the editing permissions for a page and its contents to users with administrator permissions? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • No, it is not possible.

  • No, this is not necessary, as admins have all permissions anyway.

  • Only if the users are members of the administrators group.

  • Yes, there is a Lock setting in the Access module.

  • Yes, by using a setting in the User TSconfig:

  • Using the Editable for admins only setting in the page properties


Questão 29 de 37


Where can you set the access permissions for a page? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • In the Access module

  • In the List module

  • In the Permissions module

  • In the Web module


Questão 30 de 37


You have set up a backend user and now want to test his or her user permissions. What is the best way to do this? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You log on with the user’s access data.

  • You change over to the new user using change in the Backend user module.

  • You use the Simulate User extension.

  • You enter the user to be simulated in the LocalConfiguration.php file.

  • You enter the user to be simulated in the Admin Panel.

  • You select the user in the User settings > Simulate backend user module.


Questão 31 de 37


What is the name of the workspaces available in the backend after standard installation and activation of the workspace extension? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Draft

  • LIVE

  • Standard

  • Default

  • Test

  • Demo


Questão 32 de 37


You have made changes in a workspace and want to show them to your customer. What do you require for this purpose? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Special settings in the Page and User TSconfig.

  • Special settings in the TypoScript.

  • A backend group for the customer.

  • A frontend user for the customer.

  • A preview link that is valid for 48 h.


Questão 33 de 37


How many workspaces can you create? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • You cannot create workspaces, but TYPO3 provides two of them.

  • Two

  • Eight

  • 64

  • As many as you like


Questão 34 de 37


Which of the following processing statuses in the workspace exist by default? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Editing

  • Review

  • Updating

  • Deleted

  • Publish

  • Ready to publish

  • Rejected

  • None of the above, as they are created specifically.


Questão 35 de 37


An editor changes the status of an element to Review. How is the responsible reviewer informed of this? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • The editor has to send an e-mail to the reviewer.

  • TYPO3 automatically informs the reviewer by e-mail.

  • The reviewer sees all elements requiring a review on his or her start page after login.

  • After login, the reviewer can call up the Workspaces module to gain an overview of all elements requiring a review.

  • The reviewer has to be online at the same time to be able to see the changes.


Questão 36 de 37


Is versioning as implemented by the workspaces available for all elements in TYPO3? (1)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Yes.

  • No, versioning is available only for pages.

  • No, versioning is available only for page contents.

  • No, versioning is available only for pages and page contents.

  • No, versioning is available only for elements with the necessary configurations (e.g. using fields marked t3ver_. in the appropriate database, or using the TCA).


Questão 37 de 37


You have the correct user permissions, but important areas are suddenly missing from the backend, including the Extension Manager. Why could this be? (2)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Certain modules are simply unavailable when you are working with workspaces.

  • Certain modules are not visible in all workspaces (with the exception of LIVE).

  • Some parts of workspace implementation are still flawed.

  • The Extension Manager is visible only for administrators, so they are the only ones who can use it.

  • You have to set out in the workspaces configuration which modules are visible.
