Criado por lauramarypowell
quase 10 anos atrás
What is hard engineering?
What is soft engineering?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a sea wall and what are sea walls?
What is rock armour? What are its advantages and disadvantages ?
What are groynes, what are their benefits and disadvantages?
What is the cost for gabions?
What is beach nourishment? What are the advantages and disadvantages of beach nourishment?
What is dune regeneration? What are the advantages and disadvantages of dune regeneration?
What is marsh creation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of marsh creation?
What is managed retreat? What are the advantages and disadvantages of managed retreat?
What is Studlands bay?
What wildlife could you find there?
How are some of the organisms specially adapted to live in the habitats found in Studlands Bay?
What are the conflicts between land use and the need for conservation?
How is the environment managed to make sure it's conserved but can also be used for other activities?