Origin of pectoralis major clavicular head
Insertion of pectoralis major
Origin of the pectoralis major sternocostal head
Innervation of pectoralis major
Actions of pectoralis major
Origin of Pectoralis minor
Insertion of pectoralis minor
innervation of pectoralis minor
Action of pectoralis minor
Origin of subclavius
Insertion of subclavius
innervation of subclavius
action of subclavius
Origin of Serratus anterior
Insertion of serratus anterior
Innervation of serratus anterior
Actions of serratus anterior
Apex boundary of the Axilla
Base boundary of axilla
anterior boundary of axilla
Lateral boundary of the axilla
Medial boundary of the axilla
Posterior boundary of the axilla
Contents within the axillary sheath
Contents outside of the axillary sheath
Branches of the thoracoacromial artery
Major branches from the Axillary artery
Major branches of subclavian artery