Verónica Katz Zajdel
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

This test is a compilation of the previous exams available in “Exámenes Anteriores”. It comprises all the questions of all the exams. In the “Explicación” tab, there is the indication of the unit of the syllabus to which the question belongs. Some questions are “opción múltiple” type and others “selección multiple” because they admit more than one valid answer. This test is the continuation of "Studying from previous exams 1" because each test has the maximum of 200 questions.

Verónica Katz Zajdel
Criado por Verónica Katz Zajdel quase 4 anos atrás

Studying from previous exams 2

Questão 1 de 130


Which of these CoPs is focused on researching different areas of linguistics?

Selecione uma das seguintes:


  • Busuu




Questão 2 de 130


Busuu is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • an open source suite to work with statistics

  • a CoP to practice foreign languages


Questão 3 de 130


What is a webinar application?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A tool to hold online seminars and other sorts of synchronous events

  • A tool to migrate websites from one server to another

  • An app to read articles from a mobile phone

  • A tool to import journals in pdf


Questão 4 de 130


Apart from using WordPress to create blogs, you can...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • also use it as a reader (of other WordPress blogs)

  • do nothing else

  • also use it to edit pictures

  • also use it as a BMA


Questão 5 de 130


To publish and post with WordPress...
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • you only need to be a contributor

  • you must be the administrator

  • it is enough to have a follower profile

  • you need to be an editor


Questão 6 de 130


LinkedIn allows to …
(3 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • create groups of users with similar interests

  • follow groups of users

  • search for jobs


Questão 7 de 130


The Mixxer can help you ….

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • transcribe and edit online conversations to analyse

  • find a new job

  • improve your foreign languages

  • find an expert on the topic chosen for your TFG


Questão 8 de 130


CoP is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a sort of bibliographic format

  • an app to practise English as a foreign language

  • the acronym of “Community of Practice”

  • a forum to share CfP from various international linguistics associations


Questão 9 de 130


If you are thinking about writing an article in collaboration, one of the best ways to do it would be...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • holding an AVIP session

  • creating a group with Mendeley

  • using RefWorks

  • creating a Twitter list


Questão 10 de 130


Mentions are...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • awards received by some network users when they get many ‘likes’

  • used by Twitter users to create lists of readers

  • used by Twitter users to block other users when they send inappropriate messages

  • used with the @ symbol in most social networks to include a user in a message


Questão 11 de 130


Google form is an application to ....

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • create online questionnaires.

  • create lists of tasks to do.

  • create online questionnaires based on Likert Scale.

  • create self-evaluation tests.


Questão 12 de 130


One of these tools does not create mind maps...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • FreeMind

  • WordPress

  • GoConqr

  • MindMap


Questão 13 de 130


Atlas.ti is an application to ...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • elaborate corpora.

  • conduct quantitative studies mainly.

  • work with statistics.

  • conduct qualitative studies mainly.


Questão 14 de 130


SPSS is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • free software to help you with quantitative studies.

  • one of the leading applications to improve your quantitative research.

  • the open source alternative to NVivo.

  • the open source alternative to R.


Questão 15 de 130


Audacity is a tool to...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • record and edit MP3 files.

  • record and edit sound archives in your computer.

  • transcribe recorded conversations.

  • assign keywords to video clips.


Questão 16 de 130


Freemind is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a tool that helps you to categorize your qualitative data

  • an open source tool that allows you to create concept-maps

  • a proprietary license tool that could create concept-maps

  • an open source tool that allows you to create mind-maps


Questão 17 de 130


Atlas.ti is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • open source software to work with quantitative data mainly

  • proprietary license software to work with quantitative data mainly

  • open source software to work with qualitative data mainly

  • proprietary license software to work with qualitative data mainly


Questão 18 de 130


CADQAS is an acronym that stands for…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Computer Assisted Quantitative Data Analysis

  • Computer Association of Data of Qualitative Scientists

  • Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis

  • Computer Assistance Data in the Analysis of Sciences


Questão 19 de 130


One of the following options was NOT thought for creating questionnaires

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Zoomerang

  • Surveymonkey

  • Connotea

  • Google Drive


Questão 20 de 130


The Mixxer and Livemocha...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • use chats to practise different foreign languages

  • use VoIP to practise English as foreign language

  • use fora to practise different foreign languages

  • use VoIP to practise different foreign languages


Questão 21 de 130


Two examples of software to conduct qualitative research are...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • WordCruncher and NVivo

  • ATLAS.TI and WordSmith tools

  • PSPP and Digital Replay


  • ATLAS.ti and NVivo


Questão 22 de 130


Digital Replay is a tool to...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • develop quantitative multimodal research projects

  • develop qualitative multimodal research projects

  • develop quantitative research projects

  • develop quasi-qualitative research projects


Questão 23 de 130


SPSS is...
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a web-based application to deal with quantitative software

  • one of the most famous applications to do qualitative research

  • free software to create spreadsheets

  • one of the most famous applications to do quantitative research

  • a very famous app to perform statistics in mobile devices

  • proprietary licence software to create blogs & wikis

  • It is one of the most common proprietary licence software to perform applied statistics


Questão 24 de 130


Evernote helps you to …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • improve your statistics results

  • annotate corpora and medieval texts

  • improve your observation process in a quantitative research

  • can help you with the observation process in a qualitative research


Questão 25 de 130


A linguistic corpus is …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a collection of glossaries used as a basis

  • a glossary to be used in textual contexts

  • a collection of recorded utterances used as a basis for the descriptive analysis of a language

  • some kind of specialized dictionary


Questão 26 de 130


PSPP is…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the web 2.0 version to SPSS.

  • a bad spelling for SPSS

  • the open source alternative to SPSS

  • the qualitative research purposes version of SPSS

  • the most common software to analyse social networks' data

  • the most common open source software to perform applied statistics

  • the most common software to record and analyse interviews


Questão 27 de 130


Evernote is …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a tool to design mind maps in an online environment

  • a tool that improves and the information visualization in a brainstorming activity

  • a tool that improves and makes easier the observation process of any qualitative research

  • a tool that improves and makes easier the observation process of any quantitative research


Questão 28 de 130


NVivo is…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • an open source tool to help you with your qualitative research.

  • a proprietary license tool to help you with your quantitative research

  • an open source tool to help you with your quasi-quantitative research

  • a proprietary license tool to help you with your qualitative research.


Questão 29 de 130


Transana will help you ...
(3 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • do your quantitative research

  • to translate complex texts

  • to translate very simple texts

  • transcribe spoken dialogues intro written texts

  • to transcribe recorded conversations and speeches

  • compile e-journals

  • format your written work

  • transcribe spoken conversations

  • compress video data


Questão 30 de 130


CAQDAS helps you to...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • conduct qualitative research projects in a better way

  • conduct quantitative research projects in a better way

  • perform statistics studies more conveniently

  • design surveys and forms in an esay way


Questão 31 de 130


Evernote can help you to...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • read forum messages in a mobile context

  • compress video files into MP4

  • keep and follow your observation tasks from everywhere

  • install new applications into your PC


Questão 32 de 130


Mind Manager is a...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • tool to create concept and mind maps

  • tool to create mind maps

  • tool to create concept maps

  • an application to plan your dates


Questão 33 de 130


Digital Replay System is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • open source to work with qualitative data mainly

  • an application to read RSS texts

  • a program that allows you to work with corpora

  • the ideal tool to work with quantitative data


Questão 34 de 130


MATLAB can help with...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • your quantitative research

  • online publications

  • corpora management

  • bibliography management


Questão 35 de 130


Transana is an application to …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • translate texts from subtitles in films

  • transcribe oral texts

  • elaborate concept maps

  • subtitle films easily


Questão 36 de 130


Google Drive allows you to…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • buy a site on the Internet in order to upload up to 50 Gb data.

  • create new documents without having to install any software in your computer

  • make presentations with video and voice in Second Life

  • take pictures using your smartphone


Questão 37 de 130


Evernote can help you …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • if you need a virtual space to have your notes available with any device

  • create your own illustrations

  • generate word frequency lists.

  • create online publications


Questão 38 de 130


Most corpora software programmes include:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • tools to conduct your quantitative research

  • tools to translate complex texts

  • tools to translate very simple texts

  • tools to work with concordance, keywords and frequency


Questão 39 de 130


Choose the odd one out:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Atlas.ti

  • Digital Replay System

  • NVivo

  • R


Questão 40 de 130


Choose the odd one out:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NVivo

  • Atlas.ti

  • Digital Replay System

  • SPSS


Questão 41 de 130


FreeMind is... (question 1)
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • an open source tool that allows you to create mind maps

  • an application to convert text documents into audio files

  • a tool to record and edit video

  • a tool that helps you categorise your qualitative data

  • a web-based application to create concept maps

  • a commercial tool to design mind maps

  • an open source alternative to ATLAS.ti.

  • an open source alternative to MindManager

  • a professional application to create QR codes

  • a mobile map to create mind maps for free


Questão 42 de 130


SPSS is mainly used for...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • working with statistical analysis

  • recording your research interviews

  • organising your research notes

  • managing questionnaires


Questão 43 de 130


NVivo is an application which can help you...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • organise your bibliographic references

  • plan your quantitative research

  • record the computer screen during a webcast

  • analyse qualitative data


Questão 44 de 130


R is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a tool to create academic blogs

  • a platform to host collections of open edition books and scientific e-journals

  • a tool to create academic wikis

  • a GNU environment for statistical computing and graphics developed at Bell Laboratories


Questão 45 de 130


Using mind maps to write your essays is good because …
(3 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • they are a good way to represent semantic fields visually

  • they can be used to teach new vocabulary

  • they usually can be accessed from mobile devices (with some of them)


Questão 46 de 130


Which of these is NOT considered CAQDAS?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NVivo

  • Atlas.ti

  • SPSS

  • Digital Replay System


Questão 47 de 130


Which of these is NOT an example of software for quantitative analysis?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NVivo

  • SPSS

  • PSPP



Questão 48 de 130


The use of "Likert scale" implies that...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • respondents of a questionnaire are required to write an open answer to the question asked

  • respondents of a questionnaire must select the best option among the answers provided

  • respondents of a questionnaire must indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree by marking one of the responses ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree"

  • respondents of a questionnaire can mark different choices at the same time


Questão 49 de 130


Google Drive is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • an additional element that you have to pay for with your Google account to make use of it

  • a file storage and synchronisation service created by Google that allows users to store files in the cloud so that they can be shared and edited collaboratively

  • software to create forms and online presentations collaboratively

  • downloadable applications to work with documents


Questão 50 de 130


It is typical from qualitative research to use...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • diaries and multimodal analysis

  • observation and corpora

  • statistics and graphs

  • interviews and open questionnaires


Questão 51 de 130


(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • refers to software related to qualitative research.

  • is an application to conduct quantitative research

  • is an acronym that stands for Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS


Questão 52 de 130


R is …
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • the open source alternative to SPSS

  • an application to create online forms for free

  • a program to work with statistics.


Questão 53 de 130


Which is NOT a feature of Google Drive?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • synchronising documents saved contained in your computer

  • creating online forms

  • exporting bibliographic references

  • sharing files and documents with other Google users


Questão 54 de 130


Which of these tools is NOT related to quantitative research?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • SPSS.

  • Atlas.ti.

  • R.

  • PSPP.


Questão 55 de 130


Interviews are typically included within …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Quantitative research

  • Qualitative research

  • statistical studies

  • Quantitative and qualitative research


Questão 56 de 130


Which of these statements does NOT apply to qualitative research?
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • It makes use of questionnaires to collect data frequently

  • Tests are relevant to collect data.

  • It may include interviews to experts as part of the data collection techniques

  • It includes observation as a research strategy

  • Statistics are an important way to show your results


Questão 57 de 130


Which of these is NOT a tool to create questionnaires?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Dropbox

  • Google Forms

  • Surveymonkey

  • Zoomerang


Questão 58 de 130


Which of these is NOT an example of software for quantitative analysis?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • SJR

  • SPSS

  • PSPP



Questão 59 de 130


Which of these is NOT a feature of quantitative analysis?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Creating customised algorithms

  • Using CVS files

  • Doing interviews

  • Using statistical programs


Questão 60 de 130


If you are doing research on Corpus Linguistics, which of these would you use?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Quantitative analysis

  • Qualitative analysis


  • Purpose-made questionnaires


Questão 61 de 130


If you are doing research on oral fluency in language learning, which software will be MOST useful for you?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Firework Tracker

  • Visual Thesaurus

  • MindManager

  • Audacity


Questão 62 de 130


Audacity is …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • some open source software to record and edit text files

  • some open source software to record and edit image files

  • some open source software to record and edit sound files

  • some open source software to record and edit presentation files

  • an open source application to take notes

  • a functionality provided by Skype to record conversations

  • a text-to-speech tool


Questão 63 de 130


OneNote is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a tool to save and manage bibliographic references

  • the Microsoft alternative to Evernote

  • an open source application to create and manage multimedia notes

  • free software to elaborate weblogs


Questão 64 de 130


Statistics are very useful...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • when analysing interviews

  • for analysing quantitative data

  • for analysing qualitative data

  • when observing students' behaviour


Questão 65 de 130


Interviews can be recorded with...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Mendeley

  • WordPress

  • FreeMind

  • Audacity


Questão 66 de 130


Choose the odd one out...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Google Keep

  • EndNote

  • Evernote

  • OneNote


Questão 67 de 130


Which of these is NOT initially designed for quantitative research?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NVivo

  • PSPP

  • SPSS

  • R


Questão 68 de 130


Which of these options is LEAST related to qualitative research?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Observation

  • Open questionnaires

  • Interviews

  • Inferential statistics


Questão 69 de 130


What is CAQDAS?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It is a software that will help the researcher keep and manage qualitative data

  • It is an association of educational researchers

  • It is a type of qualitative research

  • It is a type of quantitative research


Questão 70 de 130


"Frequency" is a concept related to...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • databases

  • corpora

  • bibliographic references

  • accessibility


Questão 71 de 130


Google Form is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a platform where you can search for English literature

  • a database to look up for English Studies related matters

  • a tool to create online questionnaires

  • a tool to create presentations developed by Google


Questão 72 de 130


Statistics and corpus research are mainly related to...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • bibliographic management software

  • voice recording

  • quantitative research

  • qualitative research


Questão 73 de 130



Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • can be created at Evernote to organise your notes

  • are the new "blogrolls" developed by WordPress

  • is the name given by Calibre to ebooks

  • is an option provided by Mendeley to share its references


Questão 74 de 130


The Likert scale is...
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a tool to collect qualitative data

  • used in questionnaires to know how much the respondents agree or disagree with a statement

  • an application to create ebooks

  • a platform to read books online

  • a tool to visualise data

  • an approach used in questionnaires for some close-ended questions

  • an application to digitalise books


Questão 75 de 130


Which of these tools can be the most appropriate to take notes on your observation process?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • MLA

  • Corpora

  • Evernote

  • CiteULike


Questão 76 de 130


Freemind is... (question 2)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a tool to create concept and mind maps

  • a tool to draw and make annotations

  • a tool to manage ebooks

  • an application to plan your dates


Questão 77 de 130


Google Keep...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • allows you to read forum messages in a mobile context

  • can help you turn MP3 into .wav files

  • is the Google alternative to Evernote

  • is a tool to install new application on your PC


Questão 78 de 130


SPSS can help with...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • your quantitative research

  • online publications

  • corpora management

  • bibliography management


Questão 79 de 130


Clipper is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • an Evernote browser extension to get information from websites

  • an application to read RSS texts

  • a program that allows you to work with corpora

  • the ideal tool to work with quantitative data


Questão 80 de 130


You can create online forms with...
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Office 365

  • Google Drive

  • Skype Business


Questão 81 de 130


R is mainly used for...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • working with statistical analysis

  • recording your research interviews

  • organizing your research notes

  • managing questionnaires


Questão 82 de 130


You can create online forms with…
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Google docs

  • Google forms

  • Microsoft forms


Questão 83 de 130


WordSmith tool is used...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • as an open-source alternative to WordPress

  • as an academic RSS aggregator

  • to create and manage corpora

  • as an automatic proofreader while writing academic works


Questão 84 de 130


OneNote can be considered as the …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Microsoft alternative to EverNote

  • open-source alternative to EndNote

  • open-source alternative to Google Keep

  • most widely used software to manage bibliographic references


Questão 85 de 130


OneDrive is…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the Microsoft cloud storage system

  • software to read RSS

  • the Google cloud storage system

  • an Apple virtual machine to exchange files


Questão 86 de 130


Likert scales normally refer to…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • coding texts in qualitative studies

  • methods of grading the digital competence of a group of people

  • methods of annotating corpora

  • a way of designing surveys


Questão 87 de 130


Which of these tools was not originally designed to create mind maps?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • GoConqr

  • Free Mind

  • Mind Manager

  • Transana


Questão 88 de 130


E-page creator is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a proprietary license software to create paper magazines

  • a proprietary license software to create online publications

  • an open-source tool to create magazines

  • a proprietary license software to elaborate educative videos

  • a tool to create Internet websites

  • an open source tool to generate PDF documents

  • an application to elaborate interactive videos


Questão 89 de 130


Could you visualize websites developed with Flash technology in an IPad?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Yes, if you have a converter

  • Yes, of course.

  • No. It is just a matter of accessibility

  • It depends on the version of the tablet


Questão 90 de 130


The best way to search blog-based multimedia elements in the web is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • OED

  • a CoP

  • Technorati

  • Google Drive


Questão 91 de 130


Quark is ...
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a tool to manage RSS and feeds

  • one of the leading applications in the publishing industry to create any kind of books in its different formats

  • a tool to collect and manage your bibliographic references

  • open source software to create any kind of books in its different formats

  • proprietary license software to publish either paper or online books

  • an open source tool to publish either paper or online books

  • some kind of electronic ink that is being used to read e-books

  • a free tool to publish online books and magazines

  • an authoring tool to create quizzes

  • an open source application to take notes


Questão 92 de 130

1 ...
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • is a tool to format your paper

  • is a tool to track changes in wiki pages

  • is a well-known tool to do micro-blogging

  • is a tool to have your own online publication

  • an open source tool to create a microblog

  • an open source tool to create online papers for free

  • one of the most famous curation tools nowadays, which can be used freely or paying monthly if it is being used by a company

  • One of the most famous curation tools nowadays to create e-magazines by paying a small yearly fee


Questão 93 de 130


Calibre is ... (question 1)
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a tool that allows you to convert a file into and e-book among other options

  • a tool that converts a pdf file into flash format to be read as a magazine in any tablet

  • proprietary license e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books

  • a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books that allows you to convert a file into and e-book among other options

  • able to convert pdf files into e-books

  • able to convert multimedia flash files into txt format

  • an app to record webinars from a mobile device

  • an open source application to transcribe audio files


Questão 94 de 130


If you are writing a research paper for an English literature publication…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • you will probably have to use Chicago to format your work

  • you will probably have to use APA to format your work

  • you will probably have to use MLA to format your work

  • you will probably have to use Medline to format your work


Questão 95 de 130

1 is... (question 1)
(3 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • an application to create e-books that could be read either online or offline

  • a tool to create magazines based on the interests of the readers

  • a tool to create journals

  • a tool to create online newspapers based on topics that the publisher finds of interest

  • a content curation service that enables people to publish newspapers based on topics they like

  • some open source software that enables people to publish e-magazines based on fora topics

  • a content curation service that enables people to publish newspapers based on SMS

  • A web-based tool to create blogs and wikis

  • a tool to publish newspapers based on topics that publishers like and treat their readers to fresh news, daily

  • tool to format your paper according to the MLA guidelines


Questão 96 de 130


Open Edition Journals (formerly is... (question 1)
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a tool to create academic blogs or wikis

  • a platform to host collections of open edition books and scientific e-journals

  • an alternative to Feedly

  • proprietary license software to create academic online publications

  • some proprietary license software to create and host literature and Linguistics blogs

  • some proprietary license software to create and maintain Humanities and Social Sciences blogs

  • a web platform for journals and book collections in Humanities and Social Sciences

  • a web platform for journals and book collections in Linguistics and Literature

  • a tool to create PDFs

  • a good alternative to Google Drive


Questão 97 de 130


3DIssue is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a professional propriety software used by most powerful companies in the world to create Flash and HTML5 magazines and e-books

  • open-source application to create magazines

  • a professional propriety software to do qualitative research

  • an application to read RSS


Questão 98 de 130


Open Edition Journals (formerly is... (question 2)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • tool to revise e-books.

  • a platform to host collections of open edition books and scientific e-journals

  • tool to create academic wikis

  • software license to create academic online publications


Questão 99 de 130


Freemind is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a tool that helps you to categorize your qualitative data

  • a tool to record and edit video

  • an application to convert text documents into audio files

  • an open source tool that allows you to create mind maps


Questão 100 de 130


SPSS is mainly used for …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • working with statistical analysis

  • recording your research interviews

  • organizing your research notes

  • managing questionnaires


Questão 101 de 130


NVivo is …

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a web-based application to deal with quantitative software

  • one of the most famous applications to do qualitative research

  • free software to create spreadsheets

  • one of the most common applications to do quantitative research


Questão 102 de 130


Audacity is a tool to…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • transcribe recorded conversations

  • assign keywords to video clips

  • create and read e-books

  • record and edit sound files in your computer


Questão 103 de 130


Digital Replay System is…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • an open source application to work with qualitative data

  • an application to read RSS texts

  • program that allows you to work with corpora

  • the ideal tool to work with quantitative data


Questão 104 de 130


PSPP is…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the most common software to analyze data retrieved from social networks

  • the most common open source software to perform applied statistics

  • the open source alternative to SPSS

  • the most common software to record and analyze interviews


Questão 105 de 130


Thanks to ExLibris (formerly, Linceo+), you can...
(3 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • have access to every single article retrieved (in full text).

  • be able to watch some of the audiovisual documents collected by UNED (in full text).

  • read all the e-journals found in the different databases subscribed by the UNED (in full text).

  • translate any article into your mother language

  • share your searchings with somebody else Linceo+ user.

  • create and manage your own folders in your user account

  • search in the different databases subscribed by the UNED at the same time and find the link to the full-text version of the selected articles

  • borrow books from your UNED library or request books from other university libraries for free

  • read the results in full text version of all the results retrieved in your searchers

  • read the results in full text version of all the results retrieved in your searchers only if the library where you are looking for is subscribed / has paid for them


Questão 106 de 130


What is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • One of the most successful curator tools nowadays that is free for individual use

  • One of the most successful curator tools nowadays which is not free

  • It is a tool for creating and publishing e-magazines and e-books

  • One of the most successful tools for publishing e-magazines and e-books

  • An online application to create CoPs

  • An RSS aggregator

  • A tool to create online books

  • A social network to connect linguistic professionals

  • A tool to create and maintain your own website

  • A CoP to practice foreign languages


Questão 107 de 130


The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers does NOT include information about…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • font size

  • margins and headings

  • possible topics to deal in your essay

  • in-text quotations


Questão 108 de 130


Quark7 is considered as…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the best application to create blogs

  • one of the most expensive applications to elaborate online questionnaires

  • one of the top applications to do qualitative research

  • one of the most common applications in the publishing industry


Questão 109 de 130


Creating an accessible document implies that…
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • it can be easily understood by everyone, regardless of the browser or adaptive equipment.

  • it can be seen regardless of the device used

  • it does not require a fee or a password


Questão 110 de 130


What is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a curation tool to publish online

  • a tool to create blogs.

  • a social network to share professional contacts

  • a platform to read e-books


Questão 111 de 130


Calibre is ... (question 2)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a tool to design questionnaires

  • an open-source e-book library management application developed by ebook users

  • a social network to share literature matters

  • a virtual place to catalogue ebooks

  • a free online library

  • a tool to collect and manage your bibliographic references

  • an application to manage RSS and other kinds of feeds


Questão 112 de 130


PKP is …
(3 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • an open source tool used by many institutions to manage their own academic publication

  • very expensive software which is used to create and manage academic publications

  • an academic CoP which keeps linguistics & literature specialists informed

  • proprietary license software used by many institutions to manage scientific publications

  • a tool to deliver conferences online

  • an initiative developed by different universities to work together

  • open source software to conduct research to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publishing


Questão 113 de 130


ExLibris (formerly, Linceo+) is...
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a meta-searcher which allows you to export bibliographic references to different formats

  • a synchronous tool developed by UNED

  • a database comprised of linguistics journals mainly

  • a tool to help you organize your qualitative data

  • a Middle English repository of literary texts

  • a bibliographic database created by RedIris

  • a meta-searcher customised by UNED to perform searches in several databases at the same time.

  • a bibliographic database recently launched by EEBO


Questão 114 de 130

1 is... (question 2)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a tool to track changes in wiki pages

  • a quite well-known tool to do micro-blogging

  • a content curation service that enables users to publish newspapers based on topics they like


Questão 115 de 130


In the context of the Internet, the term “accessibility” is related to...
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • the amount of money a person has to invest in order to purchase qualified software

  • the access by any user regardless of the device (e.g. visual browser, screen reader, mobile device) that he or she is using

  • the fact that an online document can be understood by everyone, regardless of what browser or adaptive equipment he or she is using


Questão 116 de 130


The software to make documents accessible to people with impaired vision is called...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Claws

  • Jaws

  • Aws

  • Paws


Questão 117 de 130


"Usability" ...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • is a synonym to "mobility"

  • refers to "for how long a product can be used"

  • is the same as "accessibility"

  • refers to "how easily a product can be used"


Questão 118 de 130


ExLibris (formerly, Linceo+) allows you to export several references at the same time (using the direct method)...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • to Cite-U-Like

  • to Mendeley

  • to Zotero

  • to your RefWorks folders


Questão 119 de 130


To save bibliographic references in your RefWorks folder from ExLibris (formerly, Linceo+), you must click on...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • "Saved elements"

  • "Selection"

  • "My References"

  • the Web Importer


Questão 120 de 130


Accessible documents...
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • can be easily understood by everyone, regardless of the browser or adaptive equipment

  • can be seen regardless of the device used

  • are not compatible with Flash


Questão 121 de 130


What can happen if you only type "Linguistics" at ExLibris (formerly, Linceo+)?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • That you will not retrieve any results

  • That you will retrieve so many results that you may not find what you are looking for

  • That it will direct you to various institutions related to Linguistics

  • That you will only find related books and no other resources


Questão 122 de 130


Tawdis ...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • is a CoP to disseminate academic publications

  • is a web-based BMA

  • is a tool to test the level of accessibility of websites

  • is one of the alternative to MindManager


Questão 123 de 130

1 and are...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • content curation services that enable people to publish newspapers based on topics they like

  • websites where you can find resources about how to publish online

  • content curation services that enable people to publish newspapers based on SMS

  • web-based tools to create blogs and wikis


Questão 124 de 130


Calibre is... (question 3)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a tool to create blogs

  • software to manage ebooks

  • an Office suite which is very similar to Office 365

  • an app to manage passwords

  • a free online library with books written in different languages

  • a tool to collect and manage your bibliographic references

  • an application to manage RSS and other kinds of feeds


Questão 125 de 130


Lulu is …
(2 answers)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a free online service to search for articles on Linguistics

  • an online service to publish your own books

  • a database of Linguistics Abstracts online

  • a collection of Linguistics Abstracts that offers the possibility of searching abstracts for free

  • a tool to create wikis

  • an online company dedicated to self publication

  • a dictionary for children to be displayed on a tablet

  • an app which allows the creation of mind maps


Questão 126 de 130


What is NOT MLA?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • An association of Modern Language Professionals

  • A specialised bibliographic database

  • A very famous university of the United States

  • a Manual of Academic Style


Questão 127 de 130


Lulu is...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • an online service to publish your own books

  • an online publication based on curation

  • an application to publish academic journals

  • a free online service to search for compile online articles


Questão 128 de 130


E-Page creator is a tool to...

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • create unlimited digital publications from PDF, SWF and image files

  • download PDF, SWF and image files from websites

  • create webpages for an e-book

  • edit websites


Questão 129 de 130


Which one is a professional software used by powerful companies to create flash and HTML5 magazines, e-books, etc?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Adobe Indesign10

  • Tawdis

  • 3DIssue



Questão 130 de 130


Adobe InDesign is a…

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • photo editor developed by Adobe

  • tool to read ebooks

  • product create to produce publications for electronic devices

  • web-based application to check the accessibility of websites
