Sacred: Something so special it should be respected. Example, Qur'an and Bible.
Community: A group of people with something in common that they share. For example: School, Mosque, Church.
Faith: Believing in something and trusting in it. For example: Belief in God.
Features of a Roman Catholic Church:
-Altar: Focal point of Church, where transubstantiation takes place.
-Stations of the cross: Representing Final days of Jesus' life in 12 pictures.
-Confession box: Say sorry for Sins and be forgiven.
-Font: Where babies are baptisted.
-Lectern: Stand for the Bible (Respect)
-Crucifix: Symbol of death and resurrection of Jesus.
Uses of the Church:
External Features of a Mosque:
-Dome: This is the main part of the mosque where Muslims pray to Allah.
-Minaret: This is where Muslims are called to prayer (Salah). Either someone calls using a loud speaker or there is a recording.
Rules of Mosque:
-Remove shoes.
-Women and men sit separately.
-No mobile phones/Food.
-Wash (Wudu).
Christian Pilgrimage-Holy Lands:
The Holy Land is where Jesus was born, walked on Earth. Taught and performed miracles and eventually was crucified, died and was buried.
Christian Pilgrimage-Lourdes:
In France, this is where Mary appeared to Bernadette in 1800's. This water here is believed to be Holy and can cure many people of illness. Many people have claimed to have been healed here.
Why go to Pilgrimage?
-To be closer to God or Allah.
-To be with other pilgrims.
-To help those disabled and less able.
-To gain spiritual guidance.
-To work in a hospital.
-Regain faith.
-Ask for forgiveness of Sins.
Muslim Pilgrimage- Hajj:
Going to pilgrimage is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and compulsory for every Muslim atleast once in their lifetime unless you are disabled, ill or cannot afford to go.
Christians believe that it is their mission to help others and to spread the 'Good news' about Jesus. They do this in many ways.
Jesus in the Bible sent out his 12 disciples to knock on doors and spread his message. This is the reason that Christians today think that part of the mission Jesus gave is to do this.
-When you convert from one religion to another.
Christians believe if you hear the message of Jesus through missionaries then it is your duty to accept the message and become Christian.
Interfaith Dialogue-
Christian viewpoint-
-Unified understanding of God.
-Promotes peace and justice.
-Allows us to learn from others-tolerance.
-'Love your neighbour.'
Interfaith Organisation
-Belfast, Ireland
-Eliminate hate between Protests and Catholics and bring both sides to mutual understanding of peace.
-'Hill of Harmony' follows the Bibilical teaching, 'love one another as I have loved you.'
Religious clothings and symbols:
-Sikh Turban