who were the big three?
What did France hope to gain from the Treaty?
What did Britain want to achieve from the Treaty?
What did the USA want from the Treaty?
What was the war guilt clause?
How much were the reparations?
Where did the over sea colonies go?
What were the affects of the European borders?
What were other affect to the borders?
What were the affects to the armed forces?
Why did some people think the Treaty was fair?
What did some people think it was to harsh?
Why did Germany hate the Treaty?
What were the main points of the ST. Germain treaty o 9191?
What were the main points of the Trianon treaty of 1920?
What did the Treaty of Severs (1920) do?
what did the league achieve in 1920 in Vilna?
what happened in 1921 in Upper Silesia?
what happened in the Aland Islands in 1921?
what happened in 1923 in Corfu?
what happened in Bulgaria in 1925?
What were other successes of the League?