Criado por Emily Fenton
mais de 9 anos atrás
Reasons for European Cooperation After WWII (3)
Evolution of the EU (5 Dates)
3 Pillar Structure of the Treaty of Maastricht
European Union Institutions (5)
European Commission
Legislative (1) and Executive (5) Powers of the European Commission
European Council
Functions of the European Council (5)
Council of Ministers (and 3 powers)
Councils of the Council of Ministers (10)
European Parliament
Issues Surrounding European Parliament (4)
European Court of Justice
"Legal Acts" of the EU Court of Justice (4)
EU Policy Areas (5)
Four Freedoms of the Single Market
Rationale for Single Market
Benefits of Single Market (5)
Single Market Policies (3)
Single Market Policies of the Last Decade (6)
Reasons for Regional Policy/Cohesion in EU (3)
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
CAP Principles (3)
Arguments for CAP (3)
Arguments Against CAP (6)
Components of the Economic and Monetary Union (4)
Stages of Economic Integration in EU (7)
Pros and Cons of EMU
EMU Convergence Criteria (4)
Justice and Home Affairs (3 responsibilities)
Citizenship Rights according to the Schengen Agreement (6)
Left and Right-wing Policies
Aims of European Foreign Policies (4)
Policy Categories in EU External Relations (8)
Institutions involved in EU External Relations (3)
Key Actors of EU External Relations (6)
Development Aid
Common Foreign and Security Policy Missions (3)
EU Enlargement
European Neighbourhood Policy
Focus Areas of Human Rights Policies (13)
Democracy Promotion (2 aspects)
Why does the EU need foreign policy? (3)
Why is the EU "without parallel"? (4)
How EU External Relations is Done (6)
Types of Power the EU Could be (3)
The EU has a Democratic Deficit (5 arguments)
Arguments Against Democratic Deficit (5)
Detachment of Public from the EU (4 arguments)
European Identity (3)
Turkey Joins the EU (pros and cons)
Europeanization (4 types)
Scale of Opinions of EU (5)
Origins of the OSCE (4)
Development of the OSCE (6)
OSCE Activities (18)
OSCE Institutions/Actors (7)
Differences between EU and OSCE (4)
Council of Europe
Council of Europe Institutions (5)