Criado por taylorb11
quase 10 anos atrás
The Internet
What is PoP?
The Internet
What is NAP?
The Internet
What is IP?
The Internet
What is TCP?
The Internet
What is FTP?
The Internet
What is an ISP?
The Internet
What kind of other services do ISPs often also provide?
The Internet
What is a server?
The Internet
What is a Client?
The Internet
What is a router?
The Internet
What is a connecting backbone?
The Internet
Give some advantages and disadvantages of Wireless internet connection
The Internet
Give some advantages and disadvantages of Broadband connection.
The Internet
Give some advantages and disadvantages of Dial-up connection.
The Internet
What is bandwidth and what is it measured in?
The Internet
What is transmission rate?
Worldwide Web 1
What is a web server?
Worldwide web
What is a Hypertext Markup Language?
Worldwide web 1
What is HTML?
Worldwide web 1
What programs can create HTML and how?
Worldwide web 1
define a tag in terms of HTML.
Worldwide web 1
what is HTML used to do for a website?
Worldwide web 2
What does URL stand for?
Worldwide web 2
What is a URL?
Worldwide web 2
How does a search engine work?
Worldwide web 2
Search engines are not commercial businesses- true or false?
How does Email use a store and forward system?
What is the list of contact details on an Email program?
What is an attachment?
What does it mean for an Email to be sent to multiple recipients?
give four benefits of Email
give four drawbacks of Email.
What is SMTP?
What is POP3?
What is IMAP?
Data exchange 1
What is VoIP?
Data exchange 1
What is codec?
Data exchange 1
data can be exchanged between a computer and a network without wires- true or false?
name two alternative transmission methods.
Data exchange 1
State the benefits of these methods of transmission
State the limitations of these transmission methods.
Data exchange 2
name the three common modes of transmission.
Data exchange
What is simplex transmission?
Data exchange 2
What is half-duplex transmission?
Data exchange 2
What is full-duplex transmission?
Data exchange 2
what is parallel transmission?
Data exchange 2
What is serial transmission?
Data exchange 2
What is bi-directional transmission?
Data exchange 2
What is client-side processing?
Data exchange 2
Stat the advantages of client-side processing.
Data exchange 2
State the disadvantages of client-side processing.
Data exchange
What is server-side processing?
Data exchange 2
State the advantages of server-side processing.
Data exchange 2
State the disadvantages of server-side processing.
Data storage 1
How is data usually stored?
Data storage 1
Name three data types.
Data storage 1
What is a primary key?
Data storage 1
What is a foreign key?
Data exchange 1
What is the link using a foreign key known as?
Data storage 1
Relationships can only be one-way. True or false?
Data storage 2
What is an online database?
Data storage 2
Name two examples of special database software.
Data storage 2
What is a Database management system?
Data storage 2
What is the high-level language used to undertake management activity?
Data storage 2
Name the two parts of Structured Query Language.
Data storage 2
What is Data Definition Language used for?
Data Storage 2
What is Data Manipulation Language used for?