Criado por Mary Ann Jacob
quase 4 anos atrás
Psychodynamic Perspective (Personality)
Name and describe the 3 levels of the conscious and unconscious mind
What are the 3 central forces in personality development according to Freud?
Define the id
Define the ego
Define superego
Name 5 Freud's 5 Psychosexual Stages
What are the criticisms of Freud's Views on Personality?
Why is Freud's view on personality relevant?
Alfred Adler
Carl Jung
Karen Horney
Key people in personality development from a Humanistic Perspective
Abraham Maslow
Carl Rogers
Trait Perspective
Gordon Allport
Hans Eysenck
Cardinal Traits
Central Traits
Secondary Traits
Factor Analysis
3 basic superfactors
Five Factor Theory
Five Personality Traits of 5 Factor Theory
(Big 5)
Situationist Perspective - Personality
Key People Situationist Perspective
Interactionist Perspective - Personality
Albert Bandura
Self Efficacy
Reciprocal Determinism
2 types of personality assessments
Personality Inventory
Projective Tests
Two examples of Projective Tests
Criticism for Projective Tests