Criado por kerensa.clark
mais de 9 anos atrás
What is the Apgar Test?
What is the other term used for "jaundice?"
What is the cause of jaundice in the new-born?
What is the treatment for jaundice?
Why do new-born babies require a Vitamin K injection after they are born?
What is the significance of a new-born (neonatal) assessment?
Why is the hormone "oxytocin" so vital for a labouring woman?
Name a hormone that is commonly given to induce labour
What is a "lochia discharge"?
What is the "moro" reflex?
What is the grasp reflex?
Explain the stepping reflex.
What are the main hormones responsible for milk production in a breastfeeding woman?
Is breastfeeding an effective method to deter pregnancy?
Explain why menstruation may be delayed in some breastfeeding women.
Name some benefits of water birth for a labouring woman
Name some benefits of water birth for the baby
What is "effacement"?
Explain dilation
What is "amniotomy"?
Vaginal examinations (VE) are used during labour to assess progress in labour. Explain what it is a midwife is assessing in a VE.
We hear a lot about "transition" in labour. What is this exactly?