Criado por Twisha Girisankar
quase 4 anos atrás
Definition of respiration.
5 ways in which energy released by respiration is used by the body.
Cell respiration is an ------ reaction.
Where in the cell does respiration take place?
In which cells is respiration more numerous?
Word equation for aerobic respiration.
Balanced chemical equation for aerobic respiration.
When do cells start respiring anaerobically?
which type of respiration produces more energy?
In terms of respiration, describe what happens when we do strenuous exercise.
What causes the muscles to feel sore after heavy exercise?
Word equation for anaerobic respiration in muscle cells.
Word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast cells.
Why does the limewater turn milky?
What happens to the glucose solution after a period of time?
Why do we boil the glucose first?
Why are the yeast cells not added straight away when the liquid is still very hot?
Space surrounded by ribs that has intercostal muscles between them.
Muscular sheet that separates the thorax from the abdomen.
2 advantages of air entering the respiratory system via the nasal cavity.
Actual gas exchange takes place in the ----.
Summarise what happens at the alveoli.
Name the 6 ways in which respiratory surfaces is adapted for gas exchange.
How many layers of cells separates the oxygen in the alveoli from the red blood cells?
What makes the respiratory surfaces permeable?
Describe how the diffusion gradient helps respiratory surfaces in gas exchange.
Membranes that surround the lungs.
Function of the pleural membrane.
The main respiratory surfaces in plants
3 ways in which the cell membranes in plants are adapted for gas exchange.
In the bell jar model,
1. the balloons represent the ---
2. the rubber sheet represents the ---
3.the glass jar represents the---
4. the glass tube represents the--
When the rubber sheet is pulled down, what happens to the lungs?
What happens to the lungs when the rubber sheet is pushed up?
What is alveolar air rich in?
Describe the process of breathing in (inhalation).
Describe the process of breathing out (exhalation).
Describe the 3 differences between the bell jar model and real breathing in humans.
Define breathing rate.
Define recovery rate.
Name 4 things on a breathing rate/exercise time graph that could show that one person is fitter compared to another.
Define depth of breathing.
How does the body bring in a larger volume of air and increase the rate of gas exchange during exercise?
Describe one feature of the alveolus and explain how it increases the rate at which oxygen is absorbed.
Other word for breathing
Define breathing
What happens to the substances produced during aerobic respiration in the body?