Criado por lauramarypowell
quase 10 anos atrás
What is a nucleus?
What are the electrons?
What is in an atom?
How do atoms stay neutral, become negative or positive?
What decides what type of atom an atom will be?
What is an element?
How can atoms be represented by symbols and what does: C, O, Mg, Na, Fe and Pb?
How does the periodic table put elects with similar properties together? Use group 1and 0 as examples.
What does the top and bottom numbers show?
What are the electron shell rules?
What are the rules to work out electronic structure? (use nitrogen as an example).
How do you calculate the electronic structure of argon?
How do atoms join together to make compounds?
How are the properties of compound different from the original elements? Use iron sulfide as an example.
How can a formula show what atoms are in the compound? Use carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid and calcium hydroxide as examples.
What happens to atoms in chemical reactions?
How do you balance equations and what is wrong with this equation:
H2SO4 +NaOH = Na2SO4 + H2O.
How do you balance an equation?
Balance the equation:
H2SO4 + NaOH = Na2SO4 +H2O.
Why is limestone quarried?
What is limestone?
What happens to limestone when it is heated?
What is thermal decomposition?
How does calcium carbonate (limestone) react with acid?
How does calcium oxide react with water?
How can calcium hydroxide be used?
What is limestone used to make?
How does quarrying limestone make a mess of the landscape?
How does making stuff from limestone cause pollution?
What are the plus sides of quarrying for limestone?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of limestone products?
What is a metal ore?
How is extraction of ores worthwhile?
How are metals extracted from their ores?
How can some metals be extracted using carbon?
How does the position of the metal in the reactivity series determine whether you use electrolysis or reduction with carbon?
What metals have to be extracted by electrolysis?
How is copper purified?
What is electrolysis?
How is electrolysis used to get copper?
How can you extract copper from a solution using a displacement reaction?
Why are copper-rich ores in short supply?
What are the new methods to extract copper?
How can metal extraction be bad for the environment? What are the positives and negatives of mining ores?
Why is recycling metals important?
What is the periodic table mostly filled with?
What are the properties of all metals?
Why do metals have everyday uses?
How does the properties of copper, aluminium and titanium decide how it's best used?
Why are different metals chosen for different uses? (use copper, aluminium and titanium as examples).
Why are metals good, but not perfect?
Why is pure iron a bit bendy?
What are the properties and uses of different types of steel?
Why are alloys harder than pure metals?
Name metals and their uses which are actually alloys.
What is crude oil?
What are the properties of crude oil? How can crude oil be separated out?
How does fractional distillation work and What are the name, lengths and condensing temperatures of each specific fraction starting from the bottom?
What are hydrocarbons?
What are alkanes?
What are the first 4 alkanes?
How many bonds can carbon and hydrogen atoms for?
What does saturated mean?
What is the general formula for alkanes?
Use the formula to work out how many hydrogens an alkane with 5 carbon atoms would have.
What are the basic trends for alkanes?
How do the uses of hydrocarbons depend on their properties?
How are crude oil provide important fuels for modern life?
What are the alternatives to using crude oils?
What are the negatives of using the alternatives to crude oil?
What do scientists predict will happen to crude oil?
What are the scenarios for running out of crude oil?
What are the solutions to the problem of running out of crude oil?
How is crude oil not always environmentally friendly?
What is released when you burn fossil fuels?
How does sulfur dioxide and nitrogen cause acid rain?
What are the effects of acid rain?
How can you reduce acid rain?
How is the increasing amount of carbon dioxide causing climate change?
How do particles cause global dimming?
What are the pros and cons of using ethanol as an alternative (renewable) fuel?
What are the Pros and Cons of using biodiesel as an alternative (renewable) fuel?
What are the Pros and Cons of using hydrogen gas as an alternative (renewable) fuel?