Criado por That Yeti Dog Person
quase 4 anos atrás
Ohm's Law equation is ____.
Resistors in a _____ circuit are connected end-to-end.
The total resistance of resistors that are connected in series is the total sum of each resistor's value. Formula: ______.
Voltage Drop in a Series Circuit:
The sum of the voltage drops for all the components equals the source voltage (ex. a battery). Formula: _____.
The amount of electric current flowing through a circuit is called _____.
The two theories of electron flow are the _____ theory and the _____ theory.
In the _____ theory of current flow, electrons are said to flow from the negative point of a circuit to the positive point.
In the _____ theory of current flow, electrons are said to flow from the positive point of a circuit to the negative point.
In a _____ circuit, components are connected across each other.
The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always _____ than the lowest value of any resistor.
Another name for a series-parallel circuit is a _____ circuit.