When does Ghusl become Wajib?
After a Wet Dream
After Sexual Intercourse
After Menstruation
After Every Week
For Friday Prayer
The Masnoon way of Ghusl includes following steps: (Select in correct order)
Wash Hands
Wash Hair
Wash Private Parts
Wash Both Feet
Do Wudhu
Wash Hair including Scalp
Pour Water over body thrice
Wash Feet
Do Wudhu to conclude
When someone accepts islam, it's mandatory for him to take Ghusl.
When someone is in State of Janabah and there is no water then ___________________.
He should skip the prayers till he finds water
He should do Ghusl with sand
He can do Tayammum only
Ghusl is _____________ for the one who gives bath to the dead body.