Nandana ?
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

This is basically quiz where I test your skills and see if you know how to study? No math questions and all, don't worry. Take this quiz and lets see what you to study

Nandana ?
Criado por Nandana ? aproximadamente 3 anos atrás

How to Study?

Questão 1 de 3


I should definitely just binge watch some shows on Netflix....hmm maybe scroll through Youtube....I mean the test won't be that hard.

*The test is tomorrow and it is a huge deal*

What should you do?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Nooooo. Study and revise your notes. If you didn't write notes during class or looking through your textbook or whatever material you're using, revise and write down key points but, make sure if you're going to have a break do something productive like drawing or making a decoration, etc.

  • Maybe. I might not be amazing and be super ready but, I think I should just chill tonight. I could read a few pages but, I'll be fine.

  • Yaaaas. I need a break, please. I don't care if I fail or not but, this child needs a break. No studying today, no ma'am. I'm gonna just gonna watch TV and maybe post a new picture...


Questão 2 de 3


I should start my homework the day I get it or the next day so, I don't have to do it at the last minute.

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 3 de 3


I should find the right study habits and make a study schedule/routine to stay on track so I can do good in school

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Totally! This will help me.

  • Um...why?
