Translate into English: Eu estou com fome!
I am hungry!
I hungry!
I be hungry!
Translate into English: Ela é uma pessoa legal.
She are a nice person.
She is a nice person.
They are a nice person
Translate into English: Elas são pessoas legais.
They are nice people.
They is nice people.
Translate into English: Nós não somos amigos.
They aren't friends.
We don't are friends.
We are not friends.
Translate into English: Noah está muito feliz.
Noah are very happy.
Noah very happy.
Noah is very happy.
Answer the queestions: Is Kelly angry?
No, she is not angry.
No she don't is angry.
No, she aren't angry.
Answer the question: Are they doctors?
Yes, they are doctors!
Yes, they be doctors!
Yes, they is doctors!
Answer the question: Are you a chef?
No, I am don't a chef.
No, I am not a chef.
No, I don't a chef.
Answer the question: Are you in Brazil?
Yes, I in Brazil.
Yes, I are in Brazil.
No, I am not in Brazil.
Answer the question: Is she your mom?
Yes, she my mom.
No, she aren't my mom.
Yes, she is my mom.