Criado por franimal
mais de 11 anos atrás
What is meant be 'energy is conserved'?
What is a primary energy source, with an example?
What is a secondary energy source, with an example?
What is biofuel, with an example?
What is sustainability?
What is power?
What is 1 watt?
What is a kilowatt-hour and how many joules does it stand for?
What is the unit for energy used?
How is cost of energy worked out?
How is power calculated?
What is the mains voltage in the UK?
Why does the energy bill not account for all the energy our lives use? Include an example.
How is an efficiency percentage calculated?
Describe a Sankey diagram.
What happens when a bar magnet is moved into or out of a coil?
What is this magnet and coil thing called?
What is a.c.?
How does a thermal power station work?
Why aren't thermal power stations efficient?
What are the four advantages of nuclear power?
What are the 5 disadvantages of nuclear power?