Criado por matt_b_uwe
mais de 9 anos atrás
Change Logged in User's Password
Add a user
Change the password for JoeB
Delete user JoeB leaving their home directory intact
Delete user JoeB and remove their home directory
Vi: keystroke to edit/insert
vi: exit saving changes
vi: exit without saving changes
vi: undo an edit
vi: save file without closing
nano: delete whole line
nano: exit and save or don't save changes
What information does /etc/passwd contain
What file contains information about sudo privileges for users
how do you edit the sudoers file
how is it best to assign sudo privileges to a user?
what can be added to the end of sudoers group declaration to bypass need for password to be entered for sudo?
add existing user JoeB to the group "Wheel"
What config file determines the default useradd parameters
create a directory "MyDirectory"
how to view the man page for a command
what are dot files?
how can you list dot files in a directory?
how to view the last 10 lines of a file
how to view the first 10 lines of a file
rename file "file" to "file1"
move up 1 level in the directory tree
who to get to current user's home directory
how to recursively remove a directory?
what files are present in /etc
what files are present in /var
How do you redirect output into a file?
What does less do?
less: move down the file one line
less: move up the file one line
less: move down file one window
less: move up the file one window
less: go to specific line e.g. line 20
less: search for occurence of word top to bottom
less: next occurence of word bottom to top
less: when searching for pattern (/ or ?) go to next match
what does cron do?
cron: where are user cron files stored?
cron: how to edit your (user) crontab?
cron: how to edit the system cron?
What is YUM?
Yum: search for a package
Yum: install a package
Yum: download and install system updates
What is apt-get?
What difference is there between the way YUM and apt-get operate?
apt-get: update the apt-get repo cache
apt-get: search for a package
apt-get: install a package
apt-get: download and update system packages
top: sort by memory utilisation
top: sort by cpu utilisation
top: what do the load averages represent?
top: what is the NI column
top: renice a process
top: kill a process
check if locate installed
update locate database
find: search current directory for filename blah.txt
find search whole system for filenames starting blah
apt-get: where would you place a third party repository source
apt-get: how would you clear temporary source files data from the repository
apt-get: how would you clear temporary repository source files for applications no longer available in the source repository?
apt-get: how would you determine dependencies required for a package?
apt-get: which flag would you use to install a package without user prompting?
apt-get: what flag would omit progress information for an install
apt-get: how would you download the source files for a package?
apt-get: what is the difference between apt-get upgrade & apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get: how would you update all packages including those such as the kernel that require changes to dependencies?
apt-get: how do you view information about the repository cache such as the number of packages available?
apt-get: how do you get a list of all package names, e.g. for grepping and searching?
how would you count the number of lines in stdout?
apt-get: how do you display unmet dependencies in a repository cache?
How would you display the kernel version of current box?
what is dpkg?
dpkg: how would you install a .deb package?
dpkg: how would you install dependencies for a .deb package?
apt-get: what does the -f flag do?
dpkg: List installed packages
dpkg: show all files installed with a package
dpkg: how would you run a package post-configuration file again
dpkg: remove a package leaving configuration files
dpkg: remove a package including all configuration files
apt-get: what is aptitude?
what is dselect?
what is RPM
RPM: install a package
RPM: remove a package
RPM: what flags show verbose information during an install
RPM: display information about an installed package
RPM: display detailed information about an installed package
RPM: show all files installed with a package
RPM: how would you determine dependencies required for a package?
RPM: What does the -U flag do
RPM: what does the -F flag do?
RPM: update the rpm database
RPM: where is the rpm config file
YUM: where is the yum config file
YUM: where would you add a repository to yum?
YUM: update a specific package
YUM: what is the difference between update and upgrade?
YUM: remove a package
YUM: display information about a package on the repo
YUM: display information about installed package
YUM: show dependencies for an installed package
YUM: what flag would force a package installation?
YUM: clean repository, install files etc
what is yumdownloader?
how would you download a source rpm file and all of its dependencies?
what is rpm2cpio
How would you extract an RPM to an archive
list the files in a cpio archive
vi: What are the 3 modes of vi?
vi: Move left and right 1 character
vi: move up and down 1 character
vi: move to last line of the screen
vi: move to the first line of the screen
vi: move to the last line of the file
vi: move to a line number
vi: copy a line
vi: paste copied text
vi: undo a change
vi: copy a number of lines
vi: search for a pattern
vi: delete a number of lines
vi: replace word cursor is on
vi: replace line cursor is on
vi: replace text rather than insert
vi: search and replace first occurence
vi: search and replace every occurence
vi: import content of a file into current file
vi: execute a shell command in vi
what does 'split -l 2 filename' do?
What are Linux streams?
redirect output to a file
append output to a file
redirect stderr to a file
redirect stdout to a file and stderr to another file
redirect stderr and stdout to a single file
what does the "noclobber" option mean
how do you turn on noclobber?
grep: how to count matches
grep: case insensitive search
grep: use a file to input search pattern
grep: search a directory for a pattern in files
grep: search directory for pattern in filename
grep: what is egrep?
grep: search for a pat1 or pat2
grep: how to return lines not matched
grep: what is fgrep
What does the cut command do?
how would you output the first field of a line, where the data is separated by colons
sed: what does sed do?
sed: find and replace
sed: find and output match to file
sed: prevent standard output
what does the tee command do?
how would you append output from tee to a file
What is the FHS
what does /sys contain?
what does /proc contain?
what does /dev contain
what do /dev/urandom and /dev/random do?
what does lsmod do?
what does lspci do?
how would you search for a pci device by slot number
what does lsusb do?
how would you view usb devices as a tree diagram
what is modprobe?
how would you remove a module?
how would you add a module?
what does insmod do?
Grub2: Where is the grub configuration file?
Grub2: what command would you run after updating the grub conf?
Grub2: where are the menu options defined?
Grub2: how would you add a new menu option?
What file specifies the filesystems mounted at boot?
How do you list the UUID's for devices
What is a cold-plug device?
What is a hot-plug device?
what information does /proc/mounts contain?
what virtual filesystem could you cat to get cpu info?
What virtual filesystem might you look in to determine system hardware resources?
what does /bin contain?
what does /lib contain
what does /opt contain
what does /sbin contain?
What does /usr contain?
What methods can you use to find boot information?
What is the boot sequence?
Grub: how would you edit the kernel line parameters?
What do init and telinit do?
Cron: What does the cron.deny file do
Cron: what does cron.allow do?
Cron: do cron.allow and cron.deny need to exist?