Lexi Schofield
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

The breaking down of glucose

Lexi Schofield
Criado por Lexi Schofield aproximadamente 3 anos atrás

Cellular Respiration Final

Questão 1 de 40


The process occurring within living cells which releases chemical energy stored in food as shown in the following reaction is called:
Glucose -> CO2 + H2O + Energy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Glycolysis

  • Enzymatic Breakdown

  • Cellular Respiration

  • Photosynthesis


Questão 2 de 40


The majority of the energy released in the breakdown of glucose is trapped by an energy transfer compound known as:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NADP

  • NAD

  • ATP

  • NADPH2


Questão 3 de 40


The energy transfer compound described in the preceding problem which traps the majority of the energy released in the breakdown of glucose:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • is different for protists than for animals

  • is the same compound for the majority of all living organisms

  • is the same compound for all living organisms

  • is different for plants than for animals


Questão 4 de 40


Once formed, the energy transfer compound referred to in the preceding problem releases its stored energy needed for the maintenance of various activities within the cell by:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • donating a high energy electron

  • donating a pair of hydrogen ions

  • losing hydrogen atoms to a cytochrome system

  • losing its terminal phosphate group


Questão 5 de 40


The first major set of reactions occurring in the breakdown of glucose involves the stripping away of hydrogen atoms resulting in the production of two 3-carbon molecules of pyruvic acid. This process is called:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Fermentation

  • Glycolysis

  • Oxidation

  • Enzymatic breakdown


Questão 6 de 40


Under the right conditions, the hydrogen atoms which are stripped away during the process described in the preceding problem are picked up by a carrier molecule known as:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NAD

  • ADP

  • NADH2

  • NADP


Questão 7 de 40


The carrier molecules referred to in the preceding problem transfer the hydrogen ions and their high-energy electrons to a system which moves the electrons down an energy gradient. This system is called the:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Hydrogen transport system

  • Cytochrome transport system

  • Electron transport chain

  • respiratory chain

  • all of the above


Questão 8 de 40


After the electrons have passed through the system described in the preceding problem, the hydrogen ions and their electrons are picked up by another hydrogen acceptor which is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NADH2

  • ADP

  • NAD

  • O2


Questão 9 de 40


The compound formed from the union of the hydrogen ions, electrons, and the hydrogen acceptor molecule described in the preceding problem is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • NADH2

  • H2O

  • H2O2

  • NADPH2


Questão 10 de 40


The entire sequence of reactions described from problems 5 to 9 will occur:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • only in the presence of oxygen

  • only in the presence of light

  • Whether or not oxygen is present

  • whether or not light is present


Questão 11 de 40


When no oxygen is present, the breakdown of glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid results in the net production of ______ molecules of ATP.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 6

  • 8

  • 4

  • 2


Questão 12 de 40


When no oxygen is present, the conditions are said to be:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • non-oxidative

  • aerobic

  • anaerobic

  • antiaerobic


Questão 13 de 40


Under the conditions described in the preceding problem, the pyruvic acid formed from the breakdown of glucose can be further broken down under an overall process known as:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • cellular respiration

  • the Kreb's cycle

  • fermentation

  • glycolysis


Questão 14 de 40


The ultimate hydrogen acceptor molecule in the process described in the preceding problem is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • pyruvic acid

  • acetic acid

  • O2

  • NAD


Questão 15 de 40


In yeast cells the final end product(s) of the process described in problem 13 is/are:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Water and carbon dioxide

  • Ethyl Alcohol

  • Ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide

  • lactic acid and carbon dioxide


Questão 16 de 40


In animal cells, the final end product(s) of the process described in problem 13 is/are

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide

  • lactic acid and carbon dioxide

  • lactic acid

  • water and carbon dioxide


Questão 17 de 40


If the conditions are aerobic the overall breakdown of glucose continues, as pyruvic acid is further broken down in a second major set of reactions called:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • oxidative photophosphorylation

  • the Kreb's cycle

  • substrate-level phosphorylation

  • cyclic photphosphorylation


Questão 18 de 40


Before actually entering the process described in the preceding problem, each molecule of pyruvic acid is first broken down to form:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Acetyl - CoA and acetic acid

  • Coenzyme A and acetic acid

  • Acetyl - CoA and carbon dioxide

  • Coenzyme A and carbon dioxide


Questão 19 de 40


Which lab did you like best and why?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Sourdough bread

  • Root Beer lab

  • Enzyme potato lab

  • Jello lab


Questão 20 de 40


Acetyl - CoA formed in the breakdown of pyruvic acid transfers a 2-carbon acetyl group to a molecule of:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • -ketoglutaric acid

  • citric acid

  • lactic acid

  • oxaloacetic acid


Questão 21 de 40


The molecule thus formed from the reaction described in the preceding problem is known as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • lactic acid

  • citric acid

  • oxaloacetic acid

  • - ketoglutaric acid


Questão 22 de 40


For each molecule of glucose, _________ molecules of carbon dioxide are given off in the breakdown of citric acid to oxaloacetic acid.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 6

  • 4

  • 8

  • 2


Questão 23 de 40


In the entire sequence of reactions leading to the complete breakdown of glucose, a total of __________ molecules of ATP are formed when all processes are considered!

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 32

  • 38

  • 36

  • 34


Questão 24 de 40


Dried yeast is introduced into a vacuum bottle containing a 25% molasses solution. After a period of time, a gas begins to be given off. The gas which is given off is most likely:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • CO3

  • CO2

  • H2O

  • O2


Questão 25 de 40


During the first three steps of glycolysis, ________ molecules must be invested per glucose molecule in order to overcome certain endergonic steps.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 2 ATP

  • 2 NADH

  • 4 ATP

  • 4 NADH

  • 6 ATP


Questão 26 de 40


For each molecule of glucose processed by glycolysis, there is a net energy yield of:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 2 ATP and 2 NADH

  • 2 ATP and 4 NADH

  • 4 ATP and 2 NADH

  • 4 ATP and 4 NADH


Questão 27 de 40


The complete breakdown of pyruvic acid in the presence of oxygen is an:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • anaerobic process that releases a large amount of energy

  • aerobic process that produces lactic acid or ethanol

  • anaerobic process that releases little usable energy

  • aerobic process that releases a large amount of energy

  • anaerobic process that produces lactic acid and ethanol


Questão 28 de 40


An oxygen debt may be accumulated in muscle cells by __________ during short bursts of intense muscular activity.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the carboxylation of pyruvic acid

  • glycolysis as pyruvic acid is produced under anaerobic conditions

  • the production of lactic acid under anaerobic conditions

  • electron transport as NADH is reoxidized to NAD+

  • the Kreb's cycle as acetyl CoA is completely oxidized


Questão 29 de 40


LActic Acid is converted to pyruvic acid in the:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • liver

  • muscles

  • brain

  • spleen

  • stomach


Questão 30 de 40


In eukaryotes, the enzymes involved in the Kreb's cycle and electron transport are located in the:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • cell membrane

  • cytoplasm

  • mitochondria

  • peroxisomes

  • lysosomes


Questão 31 de 40


Respiration is a 2-stage process that occurs in the _____________ and consists of ____________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • mitochondria; glycolysis and electron transport

  • cytoplasm; the Krebs cycle and electron transport

  • cytoplasm; the Krebs cycle and glycolysis

  • mitochondria; the Krebs cycle and electron transport


Questão 32 de 40


The folds of the inner membrane of mitochondria are called:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • matrix

  • cisternae

  • grana

  • thylakoids

  • cristae


Questão 33 de 40


In eukaryotic cells, some of the enzymes associated with the Krebs cycle are located in the __________ and others are located in the __________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • matrix; cell membrane

  • peroxisomes; Golgi complexes

  • cytoplasm; inner membrane

  • thylakoids; grana

  • cristae; matrix


Questão 34 de 40


The enzymes of the electron transport system are located in the mitochondrial:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • matrix

  • outer membrane

  • cristae

  • intermembrane space

  • cisternae


Questão 35 de 40


The dense solution within the inner compartment of the mitochondria that contains enzymes, coenzymes, water and phosphates is called the:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • matrix

  • stroma

  • grana

  • cristae

  • cisternae


Questão 36 de 40


The Krebs cycle begins when the acetyl group of acetyl CoA is joined to _________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • citric acid

  • oxaloacetic acid

  • carbon dioxide

  • malic acid

  • succinic acid


Questão 37 de 40


THe final oxidation of the carbons from the original glucose molecule is completed in:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the Krebs cycle

  • glycolysis

  • the electron transport chain

  • pyruvic acid oxidation

  • alcoholic fermentation


Questão 38 de 40


The Krebs cycle is called a cycle because:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the enzymes involved are located around the edge of the mitochondrion.

  • it begins and ends with oxaloacetic acid

  • cyclic AMP is produced

  • the process involves cyclic phosphorylation

  • the product of one reaction is the substrate of the next reaction.


Questão 39 de 40


The organelle that is a major producer of ATP and is found in both heterotrophs and autotrophs is the

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • chloroplast

  • nucleus

  • ribosome

  • Golgi apparatus

  • mitchondrion


Questão 40 de 40


Lactic acid metabolism is important for what reason?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It makes 2 ATP

  • It releases 4 ATP from NADPH2

  • It provides a burst of energy to move when oxygen has run out

  • B and C

  • None of the above
