Criado por Elisesim
mais de 9 anos atrás
Purpose of Goal 1
Reasons why Goal 1 is important
Poverty impacts :
Goal 1, Target 1
Goal 1, Target 2
Goal 1, Target 3
Goal 1
Goal 2
Reasons why Goal 2 is important
Purpose of Goal 2
Goal 2, Target 1
Goal 3
Purpose of Goal 3
Reasons why Goal 3 is important
Goal 3, Target 1
Goal 4
Purpose of Goal 4
Reasons why Goal 4 is important
Goal 4, Target 1
Goal 5
Purpose of Goal 5
Reasons why Goal 5 is important
Goal 5, Target 1
Goal 5, Target 2
Goal 6
Reasons why Goal 6 is important
Goal 6, Target 1
Goal 6,Target 2
Goal 6,Target 3
Goal 7
Purpose of Goal 7
Reasons why Goal 7 is important
Goal 7, Target 1
Goal 7,Target 2
Goal 7,Target 3
Goal 7,Target 4
Goal 8
Purpose of Goal 8
Reasons why Goal 8 is important
Goal 8, Target 1
Goal 8, Target 2
Goal 8, Target 3
Goal 8, Target 4
Goal 8, Target 5