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Burcu Kocoglu
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Burcu Kocoglu
Criado por Burcu Kocoglu mais de 9 anos atrás
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MEDIA INFLUENCECOMMUNICATION THEORIESHYPODERMIC NEEDLETHEORYAGENDA-SETTING FUNCTIONTHEORYCULTIVATIONTHEORYSPIRAL OF SILENCETHEORYPROPAGANDA MODELTHEORYREINFORCEMENTTHEORYTWO STEP FLOWTHEORYUSES AND GRATIFICATIONTHEORYSEMIOTICSTHEORYENCODING/DECODINGTHEORYIMPACT OF THE MEDIA ONAUDIENCEACTIVEPASSIVEMORALPANICRESEARCH METHODSCASESTUDIESLABORATORYTESTSLONGITUDINALRESEARCHCORRELATIONSTUDIESQUALITATIVERESEARCHQUANTITATIVESTUDIESMETA-ANALYSISETHNOGRAPHICRESEARCHFIELDEXPERIMENTSMEDIA REGULATIONARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINSTMEDIA REGULATIONNATIONALCLASSIFICATIONSCHEMETHE AUSTRALIAN COMMUNICATION ANDMEDIA AUTHORITY (ACMA)THE ADVERTISING STANDARDS BUREAU(ASB)CODE OF CONDUCT ON BODYIMAGEINDUSTRY SELFREGULATIONEVIDENCE OF MEDIAINFLUENCEVIOLENCE IN VIDEOGAMESEXAMPLES OF EVENTS WHICH MAKES OURFOCUS AN IMPORTANT TOPIC OFCONVERSATIONCOLUMBINE MASSACRE - ERIC HARRIS &DYLAN KEBOLD (1999)SANDY HOOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSHOOTING - ADAM LANZA (2012)BETHEL REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOLSHOOTING - EVAN RAMSEY (1997)COLUMBINESANDY HOOKBETHELREGIONALBOBO DOLL EXPERIMENT - ALBERTBANDURACLASSIFICATIONBOARDCLASSIFICATION REVIEWBOARDACADEMIC APPROACHES TO LOOKING AT MEDIAINFLUENCETHE EFFECTSTRADITIONCULTURALSTUDIESPOLITICALECONOMYSuggests that an intended message isdirectly received and wholly acceptedby the receiverTHEORISTS: The Payne Fund StudiesGroup (USA) & the Frankfurt School(Germany)CRITICISMS: Too simplistic toadequately explain media effectsSuggests that most people form theiropinions under the influence of opinionleaders, who in turn are influenced by themass media.THEORIST: PaulLazarsfeldSuggests that the more time people spend'living' in the television world, the morelikely they are to believe social realityportrayed on television.THEORIST: Professor George GerbnerCRITICISMS: Too reliant onstatisticsSuggests that the media has littlepower to influence people and, most ofthe time, it just reinforces ourpreexisting attitudes and beliefsTHEORIST: JosephKlapperCRITICISMS: Surrounds the idea thatpeople's socialising agents areculturally groupedTHEORISTS: Blumler, Katz andGurevitchSuggests that viewers select thecontent they want to watch and use itfor education purposesCRITICISMS: ToofunctionalistSuggests that the mass media determines whatwe think and worry about.CRITICISMS: Theory presupposes audiences to beknowledgeable, aware of, and interested incontemporary issues, therefore making them scepticalof the media's ability to manipulate messagesTHEORIST: JosephKlapperAccepting or allowing what happens or whatothers do, without active response orresistance.An instance of public anxiety or alarm inresponse to a problem regarded asthreatening the moral standards of society.Participating or engaged in aparticular sphere or activityClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico