Criado por Ilse Samantha Malagón Aceves
mais de 3 anos atrás
SEAL= sello, sellar, precinto, foca
ej. ...and seal the fate of the Czar Family
Fan: Abanicar, avivar
ej. The spark of unhappiness in our country was fanned into a flame...
Grunt:: gruñido
Grugling: Gorgoteo
Alleyway : callejón
Fur : piel, pelaje, pellejo
reward: recompensa
Forging: forjado, falsificado, forjar, fraguar
ej: Just think, Vlad, no more forging papers, no more stolen goods
goods : mercancías, productos, bienes.
pull it of : conseguirlo
ej: who else could pull it of but you and me.
comrades: compañeros/camaradas
Con : desventaja, engatusar, engañar, estafa (r).
Fork: tenedor, horquilla, bifurcación, bifurcarse
Thorn: espina
Hint : pista (como de miesterio)
Pant : acezar, jadear
whimper: gimotear, quejarse/whimpering: lloriqueo
feather: emplumar, pluma
Grumble: gruñir, queja
Growling: gruñido
Prance: dar brincos
ej: Horses prance through a silver storm
Damp- húmedo
solitude: soledad
To stir: revolver, agitar
Sash: faja
brew: preparar, fabricar, infusión
minions: sirvientes, secuaces, subordinados
brat: mocos@
Mingle: confundirse, mezclarse
ej. i hate to see you forced to mingle with all those commoners
commoners: plebeyos
flamebéed (creo es francés): flameado
ej, I think someone has flambéed our engine.
Engine: motor, locomotora
wrench: llave inglesa, tirón
Keel: quilla
reliqua: reliquia
rodent: roedor
enticing: tentador, atractivo/ entice: atraer
morsel: bocado, pedacito
Pastry: pastelería, pastelera, masa, hojaldre, pastel
Whipped; batida, montada/ whip : batir
ravishing: deslumbrante, encantador/ ravish; apresar, violentar
engaging: atractiva, interesante/ engage: participar, contratar
ej. I see an engaging and fiery young woman
Fiery: ardiente, fiero
regal; regio, real
brook: arroyo
bow: arco/ inclinarse, reverenciar
reall: recalcar
Glance: mirada, vista, vistazo/mirar
dizzy: mareado
riddled: ACRIBILLADO, plagado
waltz: bailar el vals/ vals
ej. you taught Dimitri how to Waltz, didn't you?
indulge: complacer, consentir, satisfacer, mimar
ej. indulge me with this
siege: asedio
ej: how did you scape during the siege of the palace?
Budge: ceder, cambiar de opinión
ej. i refuse to budge