Criado por Alfonzzzo R
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
Name the three types of radiation.
Which type of radiation has the most penetrating power?
Which type of radiation has the least penetrating power?
Which type of radiation has the longest range?
Which type of radiation has the shortest range?
Which type of radiation is the most dangerous to humans, when outside of the body?
Which type of radiation is the least dangerous to humans, when outside of the body?
Which type of radiation is the most dangerous to humans, when inside of the body?
Which type of radiation is the least dangerous to humans, when outside of the body?
Which types of radiation are affected by magnetic fields?
What charge do each of the types of radiation have?
What is an alpha particle made of?
What effect does an alpha particle have on the:
i) Atomic mass?
ii) Atomic number?
What is a beta particle made of?
What effect does a beta particle have on the:
i) Atomic mass?
ii) Atomic number?
Why does the atomic number go up when a beta particle is released?
What is a gamma particle made of?
What effect does a gamma particle have on the:
i) Atomic mass?
ii) Atomic number?
What is the range in air for the different types of radiation?
Name a use for each type of radiation.
What are the different types of radiation stopped by?