Criado por Alex Brobon
mais de 9 anos atrás
What is the symbol of the man and woman's relationship with God?
According to Mark 7: 18-23, where do evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly come from?
What is the most immediate consequence of the sin in the man and woman?
What do the garments that were made by God for the man and woman symbolize?
"Man was hiding from God when He was looking for him."
Is this statement a cause or an effect?
What does the man and woman's perception that they are naked symbolize?
What does the 3rd curse highlight?
What does the story of Cain and Abel represent?
In Genesis 11:1-9, what was the sin for which God punished the people?
What is the sin through which man destroys charity, turns away from God, and chooses an inferior good?
What does the serpent in Gen. 3 represent?
What are the 3 half-truths through which the serpent has succeeded in attracting the attention of the woman?
How did the man and woman remedy the most immediate consequence of the sin which is their nakedness?
How did the man answer Yahweh’s question “ Where are you?
What do the garments which God made for the man and the woman symbolize?
What is the the purpose of the interrogation of the man and the woman?
When the will chooses something which is incompatible with love for God or against love for neighbor,what kind of sin is committed?
"When the will is set upon a disorder not totally opposed to charity, what sin is committed?
What are the 3 conditions for a sin to be a mortal sin?
What element of mortal sin is referred to when a person knows that the act is sinful and is opposed to God's law?
What do you call the moral law written in one's heart?
What will happen if a person does not repent and seek God's forgiveness?
When is a venial sin committed?
What is a sin of malice?
When is an act a grave matter?
What do you call the sinful condition in which we are all born?
What sin is highlighted in the account of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11?
What does the story of Cain and Abel represent?
What is the literary form of Genesis 3 ?
The fruit which the woman and man ate in Genesis 3 is a golden apple.
True or false?
Is sleeping a grave matter?
Is rumor-mongering a grave matter?
What was the only function of the serpent in Genesis 3?
True or false
The serpent in Genesis is the devil.
The author of Genesis 3 is the Priestly author.
The use of the serpent in Genesis 3 is a way of warning for Israel to _____________.
True or false
"The sin of the man and woman is their desire to be like gods too."
True or false
"A child has full knowledge."
True or false
"An adult can give full consent."
True or false
"We receive God's punishment in the Sacrament of Reconciliation."
True or false
"We receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation only once in a lifetime."
True or false
"Death is an ultimate effect of sin."
True or false
"Through his resurrection, Christ conquered sin and its ultimate effect which is death."
Jesus became man to save us from sin.
True or false
"Greed which lead to a few people having so much of the earth's resources while a majority have very little or none at all is a mortal sin."
True or false
"Racial discrimination is a sin against God and man."
True or false
"A deacon can give or administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation."