Criado por Amy Swann
aproximadamente 3 anos atrás
How to Simplify Surds
How to Multiply Surds
How to Divide Surds
How to Rationalise the Denominator
Adding/Subtracting Surds
Indices - Multiplying Rule
Indices - Dividing Rule
Indices - Brackets Rule
Indices - power of 0 Rule
Indices - Negative Power Rule
Indices - Fraction Rule
Factorising - Common Factor
Factorising - Difference of Two Squares
Factorising - Trinomials
Factorising - Trinomials where the coefficient of x^2 is greater than 1
How do you complete the square? i.e.
How do you simplify algebraic
fractions by factorising?
How do you multiply algebraic
How do you divide algebraic fractions?
How do you add and subtract algebraic fractions?
What is the Gradient Formula?
How do you calculate the Area of a Sector?
How do you calculate the Length of an Arc of a Circle?
How do you find an angle, radius or
diameter of a Sector of a Circle?
How do you find the Volume of a Cylinder?
How do you calculate a height or
radius of a shape by using volume
What is the gradient of a line?
What is the y-intercept of a line?
How do you find the equation of a line from the gradient and ?-intercept?
How do you find the equation of a straight line from two points?
How do you find the gradient and intercepts from an equation?
What do we need to know about parallel lines and their gradients?
How do you evaluate a function?
How do you find the input of a function given the output?
How do you solve equations that contain fractions?
How do you solve inequalities?
How do you solve simultaneous equations?
How do you change the subject of a formula?
What is the graph of a quadratic function called?
What shape is it?
What can you tell about a quadratic written in completed square form?
How do you solve Quadratic equations?
How do you determine the nature of the roots of a quadratic?
How do you calculate the size of an interior angle and an exterior angle of a polygon?
Angles in Circles - what size angle is made when a tangent meets a radius?
Angles in Circles - what angle is made at the circumference in a triangle contained within a semi circle?
Angles in circles - what do we need to know about isosceles triangles inside circles?
The Converse of Pythagoras
When do we use Pythagoras' Theorem in Circles?
What does the sine graph look like?
What does the cosine graph look like?
How do we find the equation of a
trig function?
How do you solve Trig Equations?
What trig identities do you need to know?
When do you use the Sine Rule to find a missing side?
When do you use the Sine Rule to find a missing angle?
When do you use the Cosine Rule to find a missing side?
When do you use the Cosine Rule to find a missing angle?
What do you need to know about Bearings?
What do you answer Appreciation/Depreciation Percentage Questions?
How do you answer Reverse Percentages Questions?
How do you calculate Percentage Change e.g. percentage loss/gain, percentage increase/decrease?
How do you Add/Subtract Fractions?
How do you Multiply Fractions?
How do you Divide Fractions?
What are Quartiles and what are they used for?
How do you find the Interquartile Range (IQR)?
How do you find the Semi-Interquartile Range (SIQR)?
What does it measure?
How do you calculate the mean of a set of data?
What do you say when asked to compare two different standard deviations and two different means?
How do you write numbers in standard form (scientific notation). ?
What does a line with a positive gradient look like?
What does a line with a negative gradient look like?
What is the gradient of a horizontal line?
What is the gradient of a vertical line?
What does the tan graph look like?