Criado por Kara Biczykowski
mais de 3 anos atrás
1) when the owner requests a sustainably design & constructed project the arch should use what agrmt?
1) 1st the owner must set a "sustainable objective," a goal to achieve by:
2) the arch can suggest a sustainable objective but the final decision is by:
3) in order for the owner to make an informed decision the arch must:
4) sustainable objectives can also be based:
1) before end of SD or even as part of programming, the arch, owner, consultants, oth relevant team members should hold a:
2) a "sustainable measure" is a specific (___) that must be completed to achieve the sustainable objective
3) team also reviews how sustainability will effect the project's:
- next the arch prepares a "sustainability plan" (use AIA Doc D503 format) which is a contract doc that identifies & describes:
1) the sustainable objective
2) sustainable measures that will be used to achieve the objective
1) "sustainability certification" is certification of:
2) certification is issued by an:
- if objective is cert., sustainability plan can take form of spreadsheet listing items:
1) the sustainable measures needed to achieve the sustainable objective
2) the potential & expected value of ea. credit from the certifying authority
1) who approves the sustainability plan?
2) the arch must incorporate the sustainable measures into the:
3) the Sus. Plan may be bound into the:
4) the arch must prepare (__) that incorporate sustainable measures in identified in the Sus. Plan
1) if some mat.'s & equip. the arch proposes to use have limited testing or performance verification, the arch must discuss w/ owner that:
2) ^if owner agrees to use mat.'s/equip anyways, they must:
1) arch must implement (__) that were identified as the arch's responsibilities in the Sus. plan and make:
2) the arch has a duty to keep owner informed of how the project is:
3) the arch must notify the owner of proposed changes that will:
1) if the Sus. objective includes Sus. certification, the arch must:
2) before moving forward w/ additional sus. services, the owner must:
3) the arch performs these services as (__) to owner, & therefore any fees paid are:
1) as project nears completion, the arch must collect the sus. docs &:
1) the arch may also be req'd to submit docs w/ authority to appeal a ruling denying:
- see ch 50 for more on arch's responsibilities w/ B101-SP @ CA phase
- exact responsibilities depend on what is specifically identified in the Sus plan but can include:
1) providing any info requested by arch that's relevant for achieving the Sus. objective like design or record dwgs, operation & maintenance manuals, bldg operation costs, historical bldg data, repair records
3) preparing, filing, & prosecuting any appeals to the certifying authority in the event that sus. cert. is awarded & later revoked or reduced