Shawn Tredinnick
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Quiz sobre 850 refresh questions , criado por Shawn Tredinnick em 04-12-2021.

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Shawn Tredinnick
Criado por Shawn Tredinnick quase 3 anos atrás

850 refresh questions

Questão 1 de 22


what conditions must be met for the Lactational amenorrhea method of birth control to be effective? (select all that apply)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • must be > 6 months Post partum

  • used effectively intermittently

  • full-time breastfeeding

  • no return of menses


Questão 2 de 22


Your patient who is breastfeeding asks about hormonal contraceptive selection what would you inform this patient?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Micronor a Progestin-only oral birth control is appropriate for her

  • The patient should attempt lactational amenorrhea method

  • Xulane a combined hormonal patch would be appropriate for her

  • She may select whatever method she likes but she will have to stop breastfeeding


Questão 3 de 22


what is the maximum time frame that treatment should be initiated for EC?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 72-120hrs

  • 24-48hrs

  • 12-24hrs

  • 5-7days


Questão 4 de 22


which of the following statements about EC is FALSE

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • ECPs disrupt follicular by blunting the LH surge required for ovulation, resulting in anovulation or delayed ovulation

  • will not harm developing embryo

  • Treatment initiated ASAP after unprotected IC, and definitely within 120 hours

  • hormonal IUDs are approved for EC use


Questão 5 de 22


which of the following has the highest efficacy of the listed EC

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Levonorgestrel only (Plan B)

  • Hormonal IUD

  • Copper IUD

  • Ulipristal


Questão 6 de 22


Your patient with a BMI of 36 presents to the clinic requesting emergency contraception which of the following will you offer to her

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Copper IUD

  • Levonorgestrel only (Plan B)

  • Ulipristal acetate (ella)

  • Progestin only minipills


Questão 7 de 22


which of the following statements are TRUE about EC?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • pregnancy test is required prior to use

  • Combination pills preferred w/ history of thromboembolic disease

  • No significant interaction with antibiotics

  • Ulipristal: can be used for breastfeeding women


Questão 8 de 22


which of the following is NOT a treatment option for Hidradenitis suppurativa

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • steroids

  • warm compresses

  • antibiotics

  • antibacterial soap


Questão 9 de 22


your 25yo 8week pp pt presents to the clinic for a breast mass that she noticed in the shower. she states that she has stopped breast feeding due to work. the mass is firm, without pain, not mobile, and does not increase in size with her menses, symmetrical and about the size of a dime. ultrasound shows that it contains fluid. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Fibroadenoma

  • Galactocele

  • Fibrocystic Breast

  • Bartholin gland cyst


Questão 10 de 22


what should be done for a 36yo woman complaining of diffused breast tenderness who has had a normal screening mammogram result 6 months ago?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • diagnostic mammogram

  • Supportive, soft bra (sports bra)

  • Decrease caffeine intake

  • Decrease salt, particularly 2 weeks before menses


Questão 11 de 22


your 34yo pt calls with complaints of breast/nipple pain only on the left with a clear, sometimes blood streaked discharge. she has had her mammogram this year with normal findings. what is the best thing to be done with this pt?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • that it is likely benign causes, follow up in 3 months

  • it is a benign Intraductal papilloma that should be left in place

  • you should assess for recent trauma to that side

  • ductogram/possibly MRI


Questão 12 de 22


You're breastfeeding patient calls complaining of painful red left breast that is hot to the touch, she states that she feel terrible, and that her temp this morning was 101.5 before taking Tylenol, what should be prescribed for this pt?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • doxycycline 500 mg 2 times per day for 5-14 days

  • Keflex 500 mg 1 time a day for at least 3 days.

  • Dicloxacillin 500 mg 4 times per day for 5-14 days

  • doxycycline 125mg 4 times per day for 5-14 days


Questão 13 de 22


select the TRUE statement about Breast cancer(select all that apply)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • 1 in 8 lifetime risk of breast cancer

  • 80% of women who develop breast CA have no FH

  • 2nd leading cause of death among women ages 40-59

  • 80% of breast CA lumps occur in the upper outer quadrant of the breast

  • 98% of breast cancers are PAINLESS


Questão 14 de 22


what are the most dangerous types of HPV

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 6, 11

  • 16, 18

  • 8, 19

  • 16,17


Questão 15 de 22


Your patient with gestational diabetes is asking about what artificial sweeteners are safe to use during pregnancy. (select all that apply)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Sunett

  • Splenda

  • Sweet ‘N Low

  • Cyclamate


Questão 16 de 22


A woman who is currently pregnant reports that she had 3 previous pregnancies twins delivered at 35 weeks gestation both living, one at 38 weeks gestation living, and one miscarriage at 16 weeks gestation how will this be recorded as her G/TPAL?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • G4 p1113

  • G4 p 1213

  • g5p 1113

  • G5 p1213


Questão 17 de 22


A patient reports symptoms of otalgia and difficulty hearing from one ear the provider performs an otoscope exam and notes a dark brown mass in the lower portion of the external Canal blocking the patients tympanic membrane what is the initial action

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • irrigate the canal with normal saline

  • Ask the patient about previous problems in that ear

  • prescribed a ceruminolytic agent for that ear

  • use a curette to attempt to dislodge the mass


Questão 18 de 22


A young child has a pale white discoloration behind the tympanic membrane the provider notes no scarring on the tympanic membrane and no retraction of the pars flaccida the parent States the child has never had an ear infection what do these findings most likely represent

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • chronic cholesteatoma

  • Congenital cholesteatoma

  • primary acquired cholesteatoma

  • secondary acquired cholesteatoma


Questão 19 de 22


Child who has recurrent otitis media fails a hearing screen at school, the provider suspects which type of hearing loss in this child

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • mixed type

  • Central

  • Conductive

  • Sensorineural


Questão 20 de 22


A result of screening audiogram on a patient is abnormal, which test can the primary provider perform next to further evaluate the cause of this finding

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • impedance audiometry

  • pure tone audiogram

  • Tympanogram

  • speech reception test


Questão 21 de 22


Which are risk factors for developing hearing loss caused by presbycusis (select all that apply)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Diabetes

  • GERD

  • high blood pressure

  • liver disease

  • Smoking


Questão 22 de 22


31 year old woman presents at 39 weeks and 4 days to the labor and delivery unit with regular contractions occurring every 3 to 5 minutes her contractions last 3-9 seconds she's not sure if she has been leaking any fluid from her vagina your suspicion of rupture of membranes would be supported by which of the following

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Nitrazine paper remaining orange when exposed to the fluid in the vagina

  • a negative Fern test

  • an ultrasound with a normal AFI

  • speculum examination with evidence of pooling in the vagina
