Criado por Thomas Woodcock
quase 3 anos atrás
What did St Paul say about Phoebe?
What did St Paul refer Junia as?
What happened in second and fifth century ?
What did Tertullian refer to women as?
Who was Hildegarde of Bingen?
what did Catherine Booth do in 1859?
what lead to women's rights improving?
What is the connection to women and the protestant reformation?
what is biblical criticism?
What is liberal theology?
What is an example of biblical criticism?
What was Barth's criticism of biblical criticism?
What is the fundamentalist criticism of biblical criticism?
Which bible quotes support gender equality?
What bible verses are against gender equality?
What is feminist theology?
What are the three strands to feminist theology?
What is the liberal strand?
What is the biblical strand?
What is the radical strand?
Who is Daphne Hampson, and what does she say about Christianity?
Hampson on Christianity?
Who is Rosemary Radford Reuther, and what does she say about Christianity?
Reuther on Christianity?
When did the ban on marriage for clergy come into place?
What do Catholics believe about priestly celabacy?
Why do some Catholics think the rule on priestly celibacy should be relaxed?
What does the orthodox church think about celabacy?
What do Anglican and protestant churches believe about celibacy?
What did Benedict XVI say about ceibacy?
What was the early churches approach to marriage and celibacy?
How can a catholic 'remarry'
What do protestants believe about divorce?
what are some possible problems with marriage for Christians today?
What does all this mean for Christians?
What does 1 Timothy 2:8-15
Why is 1 Timothy 2 8;15 bad?
how can you apply Biblical criticism to 1 Timothy 2 8-15?
What is gender equalitarianism?
What is gender complementarianism?
Who was Florence Li Tim-oi?
What happened in the general synod in 1978?
Who was the first Woman Bishop in the church of England?
1981, general synod?
12th March 1994?
Who was Barbara Harris?
Criticisms of Hampson?
Criticisms of Reuther?
What did Aquinas say about celibacy?
What does Romans say about homosexuals?
what does leviticus 18 22 say?
What could be a liberal interpretation of leviticus 18 22 be?
What is sex for?
What is the Roman Catholic approach to homosexuality?
What does the pope think about transgender people?
What is the COEs approach to transgender people?
W£hat is the Catholics approach to trans people?
What are some christian arguments against transgender people?
What is said in Matthew about celibacy?