Veronika Bebekh
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

11th grade (11th grade. Unit 3. Environment) Quiz sobre 11th grade. Unit 3. Lesson 3. Animals in Danger, criado por Veronika Bebekh em 31-01-2022.

Veronika Bebekh
Criado por Veronika Bebekh mais de 2 anos atrás

11th grade. Unit 3. Lesson 3. Animals in Danger

Questão 1 de 5


Match the words and the sentences:
poacher, power, humans, apes, rare, habitat

a) a species belonging to the family of Great Apesthey can walk, use their hands and tools and have larger brains and societies compared to apes -
b) an illegal hunter who doesn’t care about the conservation of wildlife -
c) a family of animals including gibbons, orangutans, chimpanzees, gorilla and humans -
d) an ecological or environmental area where a certain species of animal, plant or any other type of organism lives -
e) the right or ability to control people or things-
f) unusual, uncommon, seldom found -

Arraste e solte para completar o texto.



Questão 2 de 5


Read about the famous people and match their fact files with the names.

FACTFILE I: She’s a pretty blonde who has been driving a hybrid car since they first became available. Her MTV show takes viewers on eco adventures to endangered habitats worldwide, and she has taken a leadership position in the Environmental Media Association. She was a presenter in Al Gore’s environmental documentary called An Inconvenient Truth.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cameron Diaz

  • Leo di Caprio

  • Orlando Blum

  • Natali Portman


Questão 3 de 5


Read about the famous people and match their fact files with the names.

FACTFILE II: One of his grandmothers was Russian. He arrived at the Oscars in a hybrid car. His documentary The 11th Hour – which the actor wrote, narrated and co-produced – showed the impact humans have had on the environment. He maintains a blog on environmental issues and green living. He also donated $1 mln to the World Wildlife Fund during an international con- ference in St. Petersburg to help save wild tigers.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cameron Diaz

  • Leo di Caprio

  • Orlando Blum

  • Natali Portman


Questão 4 de 5


Read about the famous people and match their fact files with the names.

FACTFILE III: While some greenies buy clothes and footwear that are made from non-animal materials, she actually designs them, too. The actress lent her name to the Animal Planet documentary Saving A Species: Gorillas on the Brink, which spoke about dangers to animals’ rainforest habitats. She has also been active in groups like Global Green USA, an organisation which deals with environmental issues on an international scale.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cameron Diaz

  • Leo di Caprio

  • Natali Portman

  • Orlando Blum


Questão 5 de 5


Read about the famous people and match their fact files with the names.

FACTFILE IV: He has been a part of environmental company Global Green for several years, and renovated his home with solar panels. He also drives a hybrid car. The actor wrote an essay that appeared in the book Antarctica – A Call to Action. He’s starred in some of the biggest films of the last 10 years,
including the Lord of the Rings series and the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cameron Diaz

  • Leo di Caprio

  • Natali Portman

  • Orlando Blum
