Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Midterm review

Criado por sosa_savannah mais de 9 anos atrás

OS First Test Review

Questão 1 de 200


Many of the statements in "C" are similar to those in "Java" since

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • C is based on the design of Java.

  • C is a design ancestor of C++ and Java.

  • All programming languages use the same
    style of statements.

  • Both C and Java share Eiffel as a common design ancestor.

  • None of the above


Questão 2 de 200


C has primitive types that are built into the language, but which of the following are not primitive types in C?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • bool

  • string

  • int

  • char

  • None of the above


Questão 3 de 200


Whenever a boolean type result is required in C (e.g., in
an "if" statement),

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Any non-zero value represents false.

  • Only the zero value represents false.

  • Only one value represents true.

  • Any non-zero value represents true.

  • None of the above


Questão 4 de 200


In C, "&&" and "||" are short-circuit boolean operators just like in
Java, while the "&" and "|" operators in C

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Perform full boolean evaluation.

  • Are undefined.

  • Are synonyms for "&&" and "||".

  • Perform the bitwise-and and bitwise-or functions.

  • None of the above


Questão 5 de 200


The "!" operator in C is used to perform

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Logical negation (e.g., turn "true" into "false").

  • Numeric negation (e.g., turn "-3" into "3").

  • Numeric inversion (e.g., turn "5" into "1/5").

  • Array reversal (reversing the items within an array).

  • None of the above


Questão 6 de 200


The assignment operator (=) in C

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • works exactly like assignment in Java.

  • cannot be used in boolean expressions.

  • cannot be used in arithmetic expressio

  • returns the value assigned as its value.

  • None of the above


Questão 7 de 200


Which pairs of operators can be easy to confuse but difficult to notice
and debug because they can often (though not always) yield the same

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • + and ++

  • = and ==

  • & and &&

  • | and ||

  • None of the above


Questão 8 de 200


This example of a pre-increment operator, "x = 12; array[++x] = 3;",

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • "array[12]" the value of 3

  • "array[13]" the value of 3

  • "array[12]" the value of 4

  • "array[13]" the value of 4

  • None of the above


Questão 9 de 200


This example of a compound assignment, "x = 12; array[x += 2] = 5;",

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • is not allowed.

  • assigns "array[12]" the value of 5

  • assigns "array[14]" the value of 5

  • assigns "x" the value of 7

  • None of the above


Questão 10 de 200


Which of the following are not used for
either input or output in C?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • scanf

  • getc

  • printf

  • fprintf

  • None of the above


Questão 11 de 200


Which of the following are used for input in C?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • scanf

  • getc

  • printf

  • fprintf

  • None of the above


Questão 12 de 200


Which of the following are used for output in C?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • scanf

  • getc

  • printf

  • fprintf

  • None of the above


Questão 13 de 200


All C programs should contain a "main"
function with a signature matching

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • void main(char* argv[])

  • int main(string argv[])

  • void main(int argc, string argv[])

  • int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  • None of the above


Questão 14 de 200


The int value returned by the "main" function is used to indicate

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • whether or not the program terminated normally.

  • nothing, this is a holdover from early Unix that is no longer used.

  • how long (in milliseconds) the program took to complete.

  • the error a program experienced if there was a problem.

  • None of the above


Questão 15 de 200


Function declarations in C must always have

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • an implementation given as part of the declaration.

  • only primitive types given as formal parameters.

  • a non-empty set of formal parameters.

  • a non-void return type.

  • None of the above


Questão 16 de 200


Function declarations (though not necessarily their implementations) in C

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • must be given inside of a class definition.

  • must appear within the source code file in
    which they are used.

  • can be nested within another function's implementation/body.

  • must be given in a separate file
    (a ".h" file) from their implementation.

  • None of the above


Questão 17 de 200


Function implementations in C

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • cannot be given within another function's implementation/body.

  • begin with the "function" reserved keyword, if given separate from the
    function declaration.

  • must always be given at the same time the
    function is declared.

  • appear within curly braces (i.e., { }) directly after the function

  • None of the above


Questão 18 de 200


A "static" variable declaration within a function

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • reserves space for the variable apart from the run-time stack.

  • allows the variable to be accessed outside of the function implementation.

  • ensures that only one version of the variable exists, so that recursive
    calls to the function share the exact same variable storage.

  • is optional as all variables within function
    implementations are treated as "static" by default.

  • None of the above


Questão 19 de 200


Variables declared as "static"

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • may only appear within a function implementation.

  • can be accessed outside the scope of the function in which it is declared.

  • cannot change their values (i.e., they're constants).

  • have space for their values reserved outside of the run-time stack.

  • None of the above


Questão 20 de 200


Large C programs are often broken up into files ending with ".c" and ".h",

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • ".c" files must contain only function

  • ".h" files should contain declarations used by multiple ".c" files.

  • the "#include" directives allow ".c" files to use the declarations in the
    named ".h" file.

  • variables should never be delcared in a
    ".h" file.

  • None of the above


Questão 21 de 200


The "extern" declaration in C is

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • used to declare variables without setting
    aside storage space.

  • implicit for all function declarations.

  • used for variables declared within a function so that they can be accessed
    outside of the function.

  • have space for their values reserved outside of the run-time stack.

  • None of the above


Questão 22 de 200


Arrays in C are indexed starting with

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • -1

  • 0

  • 1

  • the value indicated when they are declared.

  • None of the above


Questão 23 de 200


The index given for an array reference in C

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • only needs to be checked at compile time to ensure
    that it's within range.

  • is always checked at
    run time to ensure that it's within range.

  • never needs to be checked as it is
    always within range.

  • is not checked since it doesn't have to
    be within its range.

  • None of the above


Questão 24 de 200


A "string" value in C is really an array of type "char".
So the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • string value needs to be null terminated.

  • array must be exactly as long as the
    desired string.

  • array should be at least one char longer than the desired string.

  • programer must use another variable to
    keep track of the length of the string.

  • None of the above


Questão 25 de 200


If an array index in C is outside the bounds of the array, then

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • an error may or may not occur as a result of accessing the array element.

  • an error always occurs and the program
    stops execution.

  • there may or may not be accessible storage associated with that array

  • there is always accessible storage
    associated with that array location.

  • None of the above


Questão 26 de 200


The declaration of an array (e.g., variables, function formal parameters)
must always include the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • starting index of the array.

  • size of the array.

  • corresponding "#define" declaration for the array size.

  • type of the array elements.

  • None of the above


Questão 27 de 200


Arrays in C

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • grow dynamically as more items are added (similar to
    ArrayLists in Java).

  • always have an associated length that can
    be queried to determine the number of items in the array.

  • are polymorphic, meaning that any mix of items can be stored in the same

  • are really just pointers to their item type
    (e.g., "int x[]" and "int *x" are the same).

  • None of the above


Questão 28 de 200


A pointer is another name for the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • type of values that can be assigned to a variable.

  • forward declaration of a function.

  • declaration of a "struct"ure.

  • address of the memory location holding a desired value.

  • None of the above


Questão 29 de 200


In C, pointers are declared

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • only for declarations of arrays.

  • by giving an asterisk (*) before the variable name declaration.

  • by giving an ampersand (&) before the variable name declaration.

  • for all formal parameters of functions.

  • None of the above


Questão 30 de 200


In C, if "x" and "y" are declared by "int x, *y;", then "y = &x;"

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • is undefined.

  • assigns "y" the value of "x".

  • makes "y" an alias for "x" so that any value assigned to one is
    automatically assigned to the other.

  • assigns "y" the memory address where the value for "x" is located.

  • None of the above


Questão 31 de 200


This array declaration in C, "char name[10];",

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • reserves 10 contiguous bytes (characters) of storage for "name".

  • is equivalent to the declaration "string name;".

  • declares "name" as a pointer to the reserved storage.

  • declares each element of the array "name" as a pointer to a "char".

  • None of the above


Questão 32 de 200


Which of the following declarations in C is equivalent to "char *var;"?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • char &var;

  • char var[10];

  • char var[];

  • char &var[];

  • None of the above


Questão 33 de 200


Strings in C are represented as an array of "char"acters

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • with the length kept separately so that the size of the string is known
    (e.g., when printing).

  • that are terminated by a null value to denote their end.

  • and can be referenced via a "char"acter pointer (e.g., "char *").

  • which are immutable, so that the value cannot be changed (only copied).

  • None of the above


Questão 34 de 200


The address operator in C, ampersand (&),

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • converts a variable into a pointer, so that "&y" makes "y" a pointer to an
    "int" when "y" was declared via "int y;".

  • is only used when passing parameters.

  • returns the memory address of any expression it is applied to
    (e.g., "&(2*x + 3)").

  • returns the memory address of the variable it is applied to (e.g., "&x").

  • None of the above


Questão 35 de 200


In C, if the following declaration/initialization is made,
"int *x = &y;", then "x++"

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • makes "x" point to the next address in memory (following "y") that can hold
    an "int" value.

  • is undefined and causes a compilation error.

  • is defined but causes a run-time error.

  • increases the value of "y" by 1.

  • None of the above


Questão 36 de 200


A "struct" declaration in C can group together

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • multiple data items.

  • data of the same type.

  • data of different types.

  • None of the above


Questão 37 de 200


A "struct" declaration in C always creates

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a new type name that can be used in declaring variables (e.g.,
    "person bob;").

  • a named structure form that can be referred to by "struct" followed by the
    structure name (e.g., "struct person").

  • a recursive structure so that linked structures (e.g., lists, graphs) can
    be coded.

  • a non-recursive structure since recursive structures
    must be declared as types instead
    of "struct"s.

  • None of the above


Questão 38 de 200


A self-recursive "struct" requires that at least one of its elements be
declared as

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • "struct NAME", where "NAME" is the name given the "struct" and the pointer
    type is inferred.

  • "struct NAME *", where "NAME" is the name given the "struct".

  • "struct" where the current structure and pointer type are

  • "struct *" where the current structure name is inferred.

  • None of the above


Questão 39 de 200


The "typedef" declaration in C declares the new type NAME
corresponding to a specified TYPE_DESCRIPTION (either an existing
type name or other type specification -
such as a "struct") via

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • "typedef NAME = TYPE_DESCRIPTION;"



  • "NAME = typedef TYPE_DESCRIPTION;"

  • None of the above


Questão 40 de 200


Assuming the legal C variable declaration "person bob;" then the following
declaration must also have been previously
given ("..." represents other appropriate declarations):

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • "struct bob { ... };"

  • "typedef struct person { ... } bob;"

  • "typedef struct bob bob;"

  • "typedef person bob;"

  • None of the above


Questão 41 de 200


Assuming the legal C variable declaration "person bob;" then the following
declaration must also have been
previously given ("..." represents other appropriate declarations):

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • "struct person { ... };"

  • "typedef struct { ... } person;"

  • "typedef struct person bob;"

  • "typedef person bob;"

  • None of the above


Questão 42 de 200


Given the following legal C declarations
typedef struct node {
int x;
struct node *next;
} *nodeType;

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • "nodeType" is a type equivalent to "struct node".

  • "nodeType" is a type equivalent to the type of the "next"

  • "nodeType" is not a type,
    but really a variable of type "struct node".

  • "nodeType" is not a type,
    but really a variable of type pointer to a "struct node".

  • None of the above


Questão 43 de 200


In C, the standard way to request heap storage space while a program is
running is to use the function

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • getmem

  • new

  • malloc

  • heap_request

  • None of the above


Questão 44 de 200


The standard way in C to return heap storage that was previously allocated
is to use the function

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • delete

  • return

  • free

  • putmem

  • None of the above


Questão 45 de 200


In C, it is possible to determine the size of a type
(in bytes) by using the function

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • getsize

  • sizeof

  • sizeOfType

  • typeSize

  • None of the above


Questão 46 de 200


Which of the following C statements is a typical way that dynamic storage
might be allocated?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • int x = new int();

  • int *x = (int) getmem(int);

  • int x = malloc(typeSize(int));

  • int *x = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));

  • None of the above


Questão 47 de 200


An operating system (OS) provides

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a clean and simple model of the computer.

  • manages the computer's resources.

  • support for the creation and use of user programs.

  • an abstract view of the computer, independent of the specific hardware.

  • None of the above


Questão 48 de 200


Which of the following are program types in an
operating system (OS)?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • System programs

  • Adventure games.

  • Application programs

  • CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell
    Computers and Humans Apart).

  • None of the above


Questão 49 de 200


Which of the following are layers within an
operating system (OS)?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Machine language

  • Command interpreter (shell)

  • Physical devices

  • Microcode

  • None of the above


Questão 50 de 200


The operating system (OS) is that part of the system which

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • implements the editors, compilers, and interpreters used to
    create other programs.

  • provides the command line interpreter (e.g., shell) for users.

  • comes pre-loaded on purchased computer hardware.

  • runs in supervisor (or kernel) mode.

  • None of the above


Questão 51 de 200


When viewed as an abstract machine, the operating system (OS)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • enables Windows and Unix to run at the same time.

  • hides the details of lower level facilities (e.g., writing data to disk).

  • operates exactly the way a Turing machine does.

  • provides the implementations for data abstractions (e.g., stack,
    queue) leveraged by user programs.

  • None of the above


Questão 52 de 200


When viewed as a resource manager, the operating system (OS)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • coordinates the sharing of parts of the computer by different programs.

  • enables different programs to share the computer hardware.

  • determines when more memory or disk should be purchased.

  • ensures that the computer hardware is utilized with optimal
    efficiency regarding every user's needs.

  • None of the above


Questão 53 de 200


The most common small computer architecture is the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • packet switched.

  • bus

  • circuit switched.

  • fully connected backplane.

  • None of the above


Questão 54 de 200


Selecione da lista do Menu para completar o texto.

Match the components in the below diagram (indicated by the letters A-G) of a typical small computer system to their names. [Note: No choice is
used more than once, and some may not be used.]

( CPU, Memory, Input and Output, Control bus (or Data bus), Address bus, System bus ) A
______ B
______ C
______ D
______ E
______ F
______ G


Questão 55 de 200


The system bus on a small computer system is typically composed of the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • control bus.

  • address bus

  • data bus.

  • memory bus.

  • None of the above


Questão 56 de 200


A bus architecture typically allows

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • only a single pair of components to communicate at a time.

  • one or two different pairs of components to communicate simultaneously.

  • up to three different components (<strong>not</strong> pairs) to
    communicate simultaneously.

  • all components to communicate simultaneously.

  • None of the above


Questão 57 de 200


The internet is an example of a

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • packet switched architecture.

  • bus architecture.

  • circuit switched architecture.

  • fully connected architecture.

  • None of the above


Questão 58 de 200


A computer processor is commonly composed of

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • an instruction fetch unit.

  • an instruction decoder.

  • an arithmetic logic unit.

  • a memory interface.

  • None of the above


Questão 59 de 200


Registers in those processors which utilize them

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • are always grouped into sets of
    "register windows".

  • are sometimes dedicated to specific
    purposes (e.g., program counter, stack pointer).

  • are always general purpose, meaning
    they can be used for any activity needing to use a register.

  • usually have the same number of bits as the address bus.

  • None of the above


Questão 60 de 200


Processor designs that can speed up computation include:

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • pipelining

  • multi-register

  • hyperthreaded

  • multi-core

  • None of the above


Questão 61 de 200


The memory hierarchy in computer design primarily reflects the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • desire to reduce single points of failure.

  • tradeoff between speed and cost for a given amount of memory.

  • difference between volatile and non-volatile memory technologies.

  • large amounts of certain types of memories.

  • None of the above


Questão 62 de 200


A hard disk drive (HDD) can have access times that are

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • up to 10 million times slower than a register.

  • 10-100 times slower than a solid state disk (SSD).

  • only 100 times slower than main memory (e.g., RAM).

  • 1 million times slower than main memory (e.g., RAM).

  • None of the above


Questão 63 de 200


Physical devices are accessed via their

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • corresponding user level resource managers.

  • associated (physical) controllers.

  • device drivers by the operating system (OS).

  • associated command interpreter (e.g., shell) programs.

  • None of the above


Questão 64 de 200


Which of the following are device communications styles used by
operating systems?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Notify and Sleep

  • Busy waiting

  • Interrup driven

  • Direct Memory Access

  • None of the above


Questão 65 de 200


Approaches currently in common use for "installing" a new device driver

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • relinking the device driver object code with the OS kernel.

  • adding the device driver file to an OS config and rebooting.

  • adding the ".h" file to the OS config, recompiling the kernel,
    and then rebooting the system.

  • dynamically loading the device driver code (no reboot).

  • None of the above


Questão 66 de 200


Device drivers that start an I/O then sit in a tight loop, checking to
see when the operation is complete are using the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Direct Memory Access communication style.

  • Notify and Sleep communication style.

  • Busy waiting communication style.

  • Interrup driven communication style.

  • None of the above


Questão 67 de 200


Device drivers that start an I/O but then block, returning control so
that other work can be done until the driver is awakened by an
interrupt are using the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Notify and Sleep communication style.

  • Busy waiting communication style.

  • Interrup driven communication style.

  • Direct Memory Access communication style.

  • None of the above


Questão 68 de 200


Device drivers that utilize special hardware to initiate and complete
an entire data transfer are using the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Notify and Sleep communication style.

  • Busy waiting communication style.

  • Interrup driven communication style.

  • Direct Memory Access communication style.

  • None of the above


Questão 69 de 200


While the operating system (OS) is handling an interrupt

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • all other interrupts are disabled to
    ensure it completes.

  • only higher-priority interrupts are enabled.

  • all interrupts continue to be enabled,
    since none should be missed.

  • only interrupts of the same kind are enabled.

  • None of the above


Questão 70 de 200


The boot process for most small computer systems begins with the
execution of the

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • hard disk drive device driver to allow loading of the OS executable file.

  • Basic Input/Output System (BIOS).

  • OS executable file directly from the boot device (e.g., HDD, SSD).

  • GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB).

  • None of the above


Questão 71 de 200


The system calls that an OS makes available

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • can only be used by the OS.

  • must never be used by the OS

  • are the OS interface for user programs.

  • are provided as a convenience, but aren't really necessary.

  • None of the above


Questão 72 de 200


The difference(s) between a program and a process are

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • programs are static (non-executing).

  • programs are never part of the
    operating system.

  • processes also contain a run-time stack and program counter.

  • processes make use of system calls, but programs don't.

  • None of the above


Questão 73 de 200


A process

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • must use system calls to accomplish
    anything useful.

  • usually only directly communicates with its parent (or child) process(es).

  • may create a child process.

  • cannot use system calls unless it is being run by the
    administrator/root user.

  • None of the above


Questão 74 de 200


When a problem or unusual condition is encountered, a process can send
signals to other processes. Processes receiving a signal

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • are required to provide a signal handler.

  • can specify specific functions to be called when a particular
    type of signal is received.

  • run the function named "sighand" to handle the signal.

  • run the specified signal handler function, which takes over
    execution when the signal is received.

  • None of the above


Questão 75 de 200


Every process is limited by the restrictions placed upon it by the
OS as determined by the process' associated

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • programming language in which the code was written.

  • program source code file.

  • working directory in the file system.

  • user identification (uid).

  • None of the above


Questão 76 de 200


The address space of a process

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • is the size of the program file for the process.

  • is the range of addressable bytes starting at 0 up to a maximum, usually
    2^N - 1 (where N is the number of address bits).

  • is the amount of main memory initially
    requested/needed by the process.

  • can be broken into smaller chunks so that programs larger than
    the amount of main memory can be executed.

  • None of the above


Questão 77 de 200


System calls must be used to create new

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • processes.

  • user accounts.

  • programs.

  • files or directories.

  • None of the above


Questão 78 de 200


Every process has an associated

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • system call for accessing it.

  • working directory in the file system.

  • user identification (uid).

  • address space.

  • None of the above


Questão 79 de 200


A file descriptor is a unsigned number that processes use to reference
(e.g., read, write)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • files that the process currently has open.

  • any file in the file system that the process is permitted to access/open.

  • entries in the process' table of active/open files.

  • all directories with the same user
    identification (uid) as the process.

  • None of the above


Questão 80 de 200


In addition to normal user files (e.g., text files) there are
also special files that enable

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • users to create new file systems.

  • hard disk drives (HDDs) to look like files.

  • keyboards and mice to look like files.

  • processes to directly communicate with one another.

  • None of the above


Questão 81 de 200


Every OS has an I/O subsystem that

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • implements the details of all read/write

  • performs all of the cryptographic functions.

  • manages the devices attached to the computer.

  • enforces all of the OS security measures.

  • None of the above


Questão 82 de 200


The command interpreter which provides the non-GUI interface to the OS is

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • an ordinary program that uses system calls to access the
    capabilities of the OS.

  • a special program that directly implements all
    of the available commands.

  • often called the "shell".

  • unique, with each system having only one such program available.

  • None of the above


Questão 83 de 200


Which system organization is best described
as having: a set of service procedures that perform system calls;
utility procedures to assist in service procedure implementation;
and a main program that calls requested service procedures?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Monolithic System

  • Layered System

  • Micorkernel

  • Client-Server

  • None of the above


Questão 84 de 200


Which system organization is best described
as a sequence of abstractions built one on top of the other?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Layered System

  • Micorkernel

  • Exokernel

  • Client-Server

  • None of the above


Questão 85 de 200


Which system organization is best described
as having the absolute minimal portion of the OS facilities running
in kernel/supervisor mode, with the remaining portions running in
user mode?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Layered System

  • Micorkernel

  • Exokernel

  • Client-Server

  • None of the above


Questão 86 de 200


Which system organization best enables the
clean separation of policy and mechanism?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Layered System

  • Micorkernel

  • Exokernel

  • Client-Server

  • None of the above


Questão 87 de 200


Which system organization is best suited
for distributed systems?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Monolithic System

  • Layered System

  • Micorkernel

  • Client-Server

  • None of the above


Questão 88 de 200


Which of the following are examples of a layered OS?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Minix v1

  • THE

  • Windows NT


  • None of the above


Questão 89 de 200


Which of the following are examples of a microkernel OS?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Minix v1

  • THE

  • Windows NT


  • None of the above


Questão 90 de 200


A virtual machine is designed to

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • mimic any type of hardware so that older software can be run.

  • provide "copies" of the existing hardware so that multiple
    operating systems can be run at the same time.

  • allow the remote (aka "virtual") execution of programs on
    non-local hardware.

  • enable the use of virtual memory to run processes that require
    a larger address space than is otherwise supported by the hardware.

  • None of the above


Questão 91 de 200


An OS that runs directly on the hardware with other OSes running on top
of it, is called a(n)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • type 1 hypervisor.

  • type 2 hypervisor.

  • exokernel.

  • microkernel

  • None of the above


Questão 92 de 200


An OS that runs on top of a host OS (that in turn is running on top of
the physical hardware), and which can host other OSes running on top of
it, is called a(n)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • type 1 hypervisor.

  • type 2 hypervisor.

  • exokernel

  • microkernel

  • None of the above


Questão 93 de 200


Software that divides up the underlying physical hardware so that each
running OS has sole access to its assigned hardware is called a(n)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • type 1 hypervisor.

  • type 2 hypervisor.

  • exokernel

  • microkernel

  • None of the above


Questão 94 de 200


A type 1 hypervisor

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • runs directly on the hardware and the operating systems run in
    the hypervisor.

  • runs on top of the host OS (which is running directly on the
    hardware). Additional operating systems run in the hypervisor.

  • divides the hardware up into slices, with each OS running
    directly on the hardware. It ensures that each OS
    only uses the parts of the hardware is was assigned.

  • provides a microkernel used by each of the operating systems
    running in the hypervisor. Each OS uses the microkernel
    system calls to interact with the hardware.

  • None of the above


Questão 95 de 200


A type 2 hypervisor

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • runs directly on the hardware and the operating systems run in
    the hypervisor.

  • runs on top of the host OS (which is running directly on the
    hardware). Additional operating systems run in the hypervisor.

  • divides the hardware up into slices, with each OS running
    directly on the hardware. It ensures that each OS
    only uses the parts of the hardware is was assigned.

  • provides a microkernel used by each of the operating systems
    running in the hypervisor. Each OS uses the microkernel
    system calls to interact with the hardware.

  • None of the above


Questão 96 de 200


An exokernel is different from a virtual machine in that it

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • runs directly on the hardware and the operating systems run in
    the hypervisor.

  • runs on top of the host OS (which is running directly on the
    hardware). Additional operating systems run in the hypervisor.

  • divides the hardware up into slices, with each OS running
    directly on the hardware. It ensures that each OS
    only uses the parts of the hardware is was assigned.

  • provides a microkernel used by each of the operating systems
    running in the hypervisor. Each OS uses the microkernel
    system calls to interact with the hardware.

  • None of the above


Questão 97 de 200


Which of the following mechanisms for running multiple operating systems
make the most efficient use of the common underlying physical hardware?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • type 1 hypervisor

  • type 2 hypervisor

  • microkernel

  • exokernel

  • None of the above


Questão 98 de 200


The illusion that multiple processes are running at the same time is
known as

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • parallelism

  • pseudoparallelism

  • hyperthreading

  • multiprocessing

  • None of the above


Questão 99 de 200


Pseudoparallelism is commonly achieved on a single processor system by

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • letting each process run to completion.

  • executing each process until it blocks before running the next process.

  • running exactly one instruction from each process in
    round-robin fashion.

  • rapidly switching of the CPU between processes (multiprogramming).

  • None of the above


Questão 100 de 200


A process is

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • another name for a program.

  • the compiled (executable) version of a program.

  • a program in execution.

  • a program that is either running (in the CPU) or ready, but
    not blocked.

  • None of the above


Questão 101 de 200


Existing processes in a Unix/Linix/POSIX system can be viewed using
which command/facility?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • task manager

  • pwd

  • ps

  • listAll

  • None of the above


Questão 102 de 200


Existing processes in a (Microsoft) Windows system can be viewed using
which command/facility?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • task manager

  • pwd

  • ps

  • listAll

  • none of the above


Questão 103 de 200


Which of the following are voluntary reasons for
a process to terminate/exit?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Normal

  • Error

  • Fatal

  • Killed

  • None of the above


Questão 104 de 200


Which of the following are INvoluntary reasons
for a process to terminate/exit?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Killed

  • Normal

  • Error

  • Fatal

  • None of the above


Questão 105 de 200


Processes in a POSIX system exist as a hierarchy because

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • each process corresponds to a program file (and files are hierarchical).

  • except for the first process, all other
    processes are created by an existing process.

  • each process corresponds to a user identification, and uids are
    arranged hierarchically.

  • of the time frames in which they were created.

  • None of the above


Questão 106 de 200


Which of the following is not a state
in which an executing process can exist?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Running

  • Blocked

  • Ready

  • Waiting

  • None of the above


Questão 107 de 200


Which of the following is not a
transition between process states?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • running to blocked

  • running to ready

  • ready to running

  • blocked to running

  • None of the above


Questão 108 de 200


Which of the following transition(s) are accomplished by the scheduler?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • running to blocked

  • running to ready

  • ready to running

  • ready to blocked

  • None of the above


Questão 109 de 200


Which of the following transition(s) occur as the result of receiving
a signal?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • ready to blocked

  • blocked to ready

  • running to ready

  • ready to running

  • None of the above


Questão 110 de 200


Which of the following transition(s) are accomplished when an I/O
operation is completed?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • running to blocked

  • running to ready

  • blocked to running

  • blocked to ready

  • None of the above


Questão 111 de 200


Which state is a process in when it terminates normally?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Running

  • Blocked

  • Ready

  • Waiting

  • None of the above


Questão 112 de 200


Which state does a process first start in when it is created?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Running

  • Blocked

  • Ready

  • Waiting

  • None of the above


Questão 113 de 200


The process table is an array with each entry containing

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • the file of the corresponding program.

  • only the current program counter for that process.

  • only the process id number for that process.

  • all of the associated information for a
    single process.

  • None of the above


Questão 114 de 200


A process that has been started but has not
yet terminated, is represented by an entry in the process table when
the process is in which of the following states?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Running

  • Blocked

  • Ready

  • Waiting

  • None of the above


Questão 115 de 200


The POSIX system call that creates a new process is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • new

  • create

  • dup

  • fork

  • None of the above


Questão 116 de 200


The family of POSIX system calls that replace the current process with a
new one is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • replace

  • exec

  • dup2

  • getpid

  • None of the above


Questão 117 de 200


The POSIX system call that causes a parent process to wait for a specific
child process to finish is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • wait

  • waitpid

  • fini

  • done

  • getpid


Questão 118 de 200


The POSIX system call, signal is used to

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • send a signal to another process.

  • declare what signals may be sent to a process.

  • respond back to a signal sent from another process.

  • indicate which function should be called when a particular
    signal is received by the process.

  • None of the above


Questão 119 de 200


The POSIX system call that moves a running process to the blocked state
is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • wait

  • break

  • pause

  • block

  • None of the above


Questão 120 de 200


Threads are also commonly referred to as

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • hyperthreads

  • lightweight processes

  • execution traces

  • shared libraries

  • None of the above


Questão 121 de 200


When compared to processes, threads

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • are more limited in the size of their address space.

  • cannot be used for multiprogramming.

  • take the same amount of time for a context switch.

  • can be created and destroyed 10-100 times faster.

  • None of the above


Questão 122 de 200


Each thread must maintain its own

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • address space.

  • program counter.

  • run-time stack.

  • state (blocked, ready, running).

  • None of the above


Questão 123 de 200


Every process contains at least

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • one thread.

  • two threads, one each for execution and garbage collection.

  • three threads, for execution, signal management, and garbage collection.

  • one child process.

  • None of the above


Questão 124 de 200


Which of the following items belong to the process (rather than to
each of its threads)?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Program counter

  • Address space

  • Static variables

  • Run-time stack

  • Heap storage

  • Registers

  • File descriptors

  • Signal handlers

  • State (blocked, ready, running)

  • None of the above


Questão 125 de 200


Which of the following items belong to each thread (rather than to
the process)?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Program counter

  • Address space

  • Static variables

  • Run-time stack

  • Heap storage

  • Registers

  • File descriptors

  • Signal handlers

  • State (blocked, ready, running)

  • None of the above


Questão 126 de 200


Because the address space is shared by the process' threads, care
must be taken (to avoid race conditions)

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • calling the same function from multiple threads.

  • reading/setting values for the same static variables and heap
    allocated objects from multiple threads.

  • creating new threads.

  • a thread terminates.

  • None of the above


Questão 127 de 200


The POSIX pthread library call that creates a new thread is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • pthread_new

  • pthread_fork

  • pthread_create

  • pthread_dup

  • None of the above


Questão 128 de 200


The POSIX pthread library call that returns the thread's identification is

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • pthread_getid

  • pthread_self

  • pthread_pid

  • pthread_thread_id

  • None of the above


Questão 129 de 200


The POSIX pthread library call that terminates the calling thread is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • pthread_exit

  • pthread_terminate

  • pthread_yield

  • pthread_return

  • None of the above


Questão 130 de 200


The POSIX pthread library call that blocks the calling thread, resuming
when the indicated thread completes, is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • pthread_wait

  • pthread_block

  • pthread_pause

  • pthread_join

  • None of the above


Questão 131 de 200


The POSIX pthread library call that moves a running thread to the blocked
state is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • pthread_block

  • pthread_yield

  • pthread_stop

  • pthread_pause

  • None of the above


Questão 132 de 200


Threads that are managed in user/process space

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • require the OS to be thread aware.

  • require the process to keep track of the threads via a thread
    table (in addition to the process table that the OS maintains).

  • enable context switching that is about 10x faster than kernel space threads.

  • cause the entire process to block if any one of its threads blocks
    for a system resource.

  • None of the above


Questão 133 de 200


Threads that are managed in kernel space

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • requires the OS to be thread aware.

  • requires the process to keep track of the threads via a thread
    table (in addition to the process table that the OS maintains).

  • enables context switching that is about 10x faster than
    user/process space threads.

  • cause the entire process to block if any one of its threads blocks
    for a system resource.

  • None of the above


Questão 134 de 200


Thread pools are collections of already allocated/created threads that

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • are assigned as requested to reduce the costs of thread creation
    and destruction.

  • are only beneficial for user/process space managed threads.

  • are only beneficial for kernel space managed threads.

  • prevent an over abundance of threads, if the pool is the only
    means for acquiring a thread.

  • None of the above


Questão 135 de 200


Hybrid User-Kernel space thread management allocates

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • one or more kernel threads to a process, with the process able
    to start multiple user threads within each kernel thread.

  • exactly one user space and one kernel space thread to each process.

  • any number of user space and kernel space threads to each process as long as
    they are requested from the corresponding user and kernel thread pools.

  • only user space threads, but enables the kernel to recognize when
    a user thread is blocked.

  • None of the above


Questão 136 de 200


Scheduler activations use

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • kernel space threads, but only the process schedules them.

  • kernel space threads, but the process recommends to the OS
    which thread to schedule/run next.

  • user space threads, but the kernel recognizes when a blocked
    thread doesn't prevent other threads from running.

  • both user and kernel space threads for a process, with each
    thread type being scheduled as it normally would be.

  • None of the above


Questão 137 de 200


The key issues for interprocess communication are

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • message passing.

  • sharing information.

  • semaphores

  • sequencing process interactions.

  • None of the above


Questão 138 de 200


A race condition exists when

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • two or more processes share the same variable.

  • only user space threads are used for multiprogramming.

  • only kernel space threads are used for multiprogramming.

  • different execution orderings of instructions in multiple threads/processes
    can produce different results.

  • None of the above


Questão 139 de 200


Race conditions can occur when

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • two or more threads/processes can read (but
    not change) the same variable(s).

  • two or more threads/processes can read and write the same
    variable(s) via UNinterruptible actions.

  • two or more threads/processes can read and write the same
    variable(s) via interruptible actions.

  • when there is a mix of user space and kernel space threads
    within the same process, but no shared variable(s).

  • None of the above


Questão 140 de 200


A critical section is a portion of executable code

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • that makes system calls.

  • in which only one thread (or process) should be active at a time.

  • that is protected by one or more semaphores.

  • which is shared by multiple threads.

  • None of the above


Questão 141 de 200


Critical sections should be as small as possible because

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • larger critical sections run more slowly.

  • this reduces the amount of process blocking.

  • there is a maximum code size for which semaphores will work.

  • they must run completely through
    without blocking.

  • None of the above


Questão 142 de 200


Which of the following help to prevent difficulties when simultaneous
threads/processes share data?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • No 2 threads/processes are in their critical sections at the same time.

  • No assumptions are made about process execution speeds.

  • No thread/process should wait arbitrarily long to enter its
    critical section.

  • No thread/process outside its critical section should block other

  • None of the above


Questão 143 de 200


Allowing processes to disable interrupts to prevent their being
interrupted while in their critical section(s) is
not a desirable solution since

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • it requires process threads to run in kernel space.

  • it requires process threads to run in user space.

  • a user program could use this to hog the CPU.

  • it fails to work if there are multiple CPUs.

  • None of the above


Questão 144 de 200


Strict alternation of processes can be accomplished by setting and
repeatedly checking a shared variable (i.e., spin locking), but this

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • is only suitable if the expected wait time is very short.

  • solution only works for two processes (or threads).

  • solution only works if there is only a single CPU involved.

  • is wasteful of the CPU resource.

  • None of the above


Questão 145 de 200


Peterson's solution uses what mechanism(s) to implement mutual exclusion
for a critical section?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • disabling interrupts.

  • kernel space threads.

  • lock variable(s).

  • busy waiting.

  • None of the above


Questão 146 de 200


A test and set instruction is special because it

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • runs with interrupts disabled.

  • does the value copy and set as a single indivisible action.

  • works by performing the busy wait within a single instruction.

  • locks the memory bus.

  • None of the above


Questão 147 de 200


The priority inversion problem occurs when a busy waiting solution
for critical section access is used and

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • the busy waiting process/thread has a higher priority.

  • the busy waiting process/thread has a lower priority.

  • the busy waiting process/thread is a user space thread.

  • the busy waiting process/thread is a kernel space thread.

  • None of the above


Questão 148 de 200


The key feature(s) of the TSL instruction which allows it to implement
critical section access is

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • only being callable by the OS (and not by
    user programs).

  • saving the current value of a register while the register's
    value is set to a new value.

  • blocks if the value being assigned is different from the current
    value of the register.

  • that it is atomic (i.e., cannot be interrupted once begun).

  • None of the above


Questão 149 de 200


Assuming that sleep (causing the calling process to
block) and wakeup (which unblocks the indicated
process) are system calls, then they can be used to implement critical
sections if the following condition(s) are kept:

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • wakeup signals are not

  • sleep cannot be called by an already blocked process.

  • only strict alternation of critical sections is implemented.

  • wakeup is never called

  • None of the above


Questão 150 de 200


The sleep (causing the calling process to block) and
wakeup (which unblocks the indicated process)
calls enable

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • strictly alternating critical sections to be protected
    without busy waiting.

  • 2) strictly alternating critical sections to be protected but only
    when a test and set instruction is available.

  • the protection of any critical section so long as
    wakeup is never
    called first.

  • the protection of any critical section so long as
    sleep is never
    called twice in a row.

  • None of the above


Questão 151 de 200


The sleep (causing the calling process to block) and
wakeup (which unblocks the indicated process)
calls, can only support strictly alternating critical sections because

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • sleep only blocks a process for a maximum period of

  • sleep cannot be called by an already blocked process.

  • wakeup cannot unblock a process that called
    sleep twice in a row.

  • wakeup calls are not

  • None of the above


Questão 152 de 200


Semaphores were introduced in 1965 by

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Gary Peterson

  • Andrew Tannenbaum

  • Edgar Dijkstra

  • Alan Turing


Questão 153 de 200


The P (DOWN) semaphore operation is best
described by

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • count--; if (count <= 0) { sleep(); }

  • sleep(); if (count <= 0) { count--; }

  • if (count <= 0) { count--; } sleep();

  • if (count <= 0) { sleep(); } count--;


Questão 154 de 200


The V (UP) semaphore operation is best
described by

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • if (count == 1) { wakeup(sleeping_process); } count++;

  • if (count == 1) { count++; } wakeup(sleeping_process);

  • wakeup(sleeping_process); if (count == 1) { count++; }

  • count++; if (count == 1) { wakeup(sleeping_process); }


Questão 155 de 200


The starting value (count) of a semaphore indicates the number of

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • total times that the semaphore can be used (e.g., P/DOWN operations).

  • available items of that resource.

  • different types of resources.

  • concurrent processes (but not threads)
    that can share the resource(s).


Questão 156 de 200


If semaphores are compared to having copies of a book in the library, then

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • P/DOWN is the equivalent of checking out a book.

  • P/DOWN is the equivalent of returning a book.

  • V/UP is the equivalent of checking out a book.

  • V/UP is the equivalent of returning a book.


Questão 157 de 200


The semaphore operations of P/DOWN and V/UP

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • be system calls.

  • behave atomically (i.e., uninterruptible).

  • be implemented in the OS kernel.

  • be implemented by the computer hardware.


Questão 158 de 200


A mutex is a binary semaphore that

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • is implemented using lock variables.

  • uses sleep and wakeup calls
    for its implementation.

  • is implemented using monitors.

  • is optimized for having only two values/states.


Questão 159 de 200


Monitors, unlike semaphores, must be
implemented as

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • a (system) library so that different languages can share the
    same implementation.

  • part of the programming language design.

  • part of the OS design.

  • a feature within the computer hardware.


Questão 160 de 200


Monitors are most easily adapted to programming languages that support

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • classes (e.g., Java).

  • records/structures (e.g., C).

  • functions (e.g., C, Cobol, Fortran).

  • conditional looping constructs, like "while" (e.g., C, Java).


Questão 161 de 200


What feature in Java can be used to implement a monitor?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • virtualized

  • try-catch

  • finalized

  • synchronized


Questão 162 de 200


A different semaphore associated with each object instance can be used
to implement a monitor by having each

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • object do P/DOWN when it is created and a V/UP when it is destroyed.

  • object do V/UP when it is created and a P/DOWN when it is destroyed.

  • object method do P/DOWN when begun, and V/UP just before returning.

  • object method do V/UP when begun, and P/DOWN just before returning.


Questão 163 de 200


Which of the following interprocess communication mechanisms is well
suited for distributed sharing (i.e., across multiple computer systems)?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • lock variables

  • semaphores

  • monitors

  • message passing


Questão 164 de 200


Message passing, like semaphores (and unlike monitors),

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • can easily be implemented as a (system) library so that different
    languages can share the same implementation.

  • must be part of the programming language

  • must be part of the OS design.

  • must be a feature within the computer hardware.


Questão 165 de 200


The "send" and "receive" system calls for message passing generally

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • must be used in conjunction with semaphores
    to perform the coordination (e.g., to ensure the "receive"r is ready
    and waiting when the "send" is done).

  • can only be used when the communicating processes are on different systems.

  • are considered impractically for efficiency reasons, and thus are
    seldom used.

  • must indicate the message contents and
    destination (for "send") and a place to store the message and the
    source (for "received").


Questão 166 de 200


Which of the following are typical design issues associated with messages?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Handling lost (or missing) messages.

  • Minimum message size.

  • Maximum time between messages.

  • Messages are received in the order they were sent.


Questão 167 de 200


A popular system that implements message passing, developed in the
early 1990s, and available for a variety of different languages
(e.g., Java, Python, C) is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • The Messaging Library (TML)

  • Message Passing Interface (MPI)

  • Distributed Messaging Library (DML)

  • Distributed Process Communication (DPC)


Questão 168 de 200


When a message passing system causes the sender to block until the
receiver is ready (and vice versa), these semantics are called a

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • rendezvous

  • date

  • coupling

  • synch-up.


Questão 169 de 200


The mechanism in POSIX systems that provides a maximum size "mailbox"
that causes the writing/sending process to block once the "mailbox"
becomes full (allowing the writer/sender to proceed only when there
is room in the "mailbox" - perhaps due to the receiver reading/removing
items), is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • mail

  • spooling

  • pipes

  • conduits


Questão 170 de 200


Barriers are useful when a number of different threads/processes need to

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • take turns working on a common task.

  • <strong>must all meet at a common place before
    proceeding to the next phase of a computation.

  • share a set of common variables/objects.

  • none of the threads/processes are allowed to go past
    a certain point in the computation.


Questão 171 de 200


If all the threads/processes take very
close to the same amount of time to reach the barrier, then a good
way of implementing the barrier is

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • spin locks.

  • semaphores

  • monitors

  • message passing.


Questão 172 de 200


The Dining Philosophers Problem is a synchronization problem developed
by Edgar Dijkstra to

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • show how monitors can handle situations that semaphores cannot.

  • show how semaphores can handle situations that message passing cannot.

  • demonstrate the use of semaphores.

  • demonstrate the use of message passing.


Questão 173 de 200


The Dining Philosophers Problem is comprised of

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • 5 philosophers each with a plate of slippery pasta.

  • philosophers needing to take turns eating, going around the
    table in a clockwise fashion.

  • 5 forks, one between each philosopher.

  • philosophers needing 2 forks to eat.


Questão 174 de 200


If no process within a group of processes is able to run because they
are all in the blocked state, and each
is waiting for the other to do something before it can continue, this
situation is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • starvation

  • deadlock

  • livelock

  • mutual stall.


Questão 175 de 200


If all the processes within a group of
processes is able to run (i.e., none are in the blocked state), but
none is able to accomplish any useful work for lack of a resource,
this situation is called

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • starvation

  • deadlock

  • livelock

  • resource hogging.


Questão 176 de 200


In the Dining Philosophers Problem, if each philosopher grabs a fork and
holds it until they are able to grab a second fork, this

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • leads to starvation.

  • leads to deadlock.

  • leads to livelock.

  • provides a correct solution.


Questão 177 de 200


In the Dining Philosophers Problem, if each philosopher grabs the fork
to their right, then seeing that the left fork is unavailable (having
been grabbed by the philosopher to their left) puts down the fork they
are holding, counts to 10, then tries again. This algorithm

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • leads to livelock.

  • leads to deadlock.

  • leads to resource hogging.

  • provides a correct solution.


Questão 178 de 200


The key to one working solution of the Dining Philosophers Problem is to
have philosophers exist in one of three states (THINING, HUNGRY, EATING)
and that when a philosopher is

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • finished EATING, she ensures that any HUNGRY philosopher sitting
    next to her gets an opportunity to eat.

  • HUNGRY, she waits until each of her neighbors is THINKING before
    trying to pick up forks.

  • THINKING, she waits until a neighbor is also THINKING before becoming HUNGRY.

  • finished THINKING, she waits until one of her neighbors is EATING
    before becoming HUNGRY.


Questão 179 de 200


The Readers and Writers Problem involves multiple processes trying to
read or write to the same shared variable, in which

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • only one reader or writer can access the variable at a time.

  • only one reader or multiple writers can access the variable at a time.

  • multiple readers or a single writer can access the variable at a time.

  • multiple readers or multiple writers can access the variable at a time.


Questão 180 de 200


The primary types of solutions to the Readers and Writers Problem are when

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • writers are given preference over readers.

  • readers are given preference over writers.

  • readers and writers have simultaneous access so that no
    preference is given to either one.

  • readers and writers strictly alternate, with every read followed
    by a write and every write followed by a read.


Questão 181 de 200


The scheduler is that part of the OS that

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • starts a new process.

  • manages the CPU.

  • determines when a blocked process becomes ready.

  • determines when a running process blocks.


Questão 182 de 200


The ability of the OS to switch from running one process to another
process VERY quickly is important because it

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • reduces the chance of an OS bug causing a problem.

  • increases the efficient use of the CPU.

  • helps reduce the response time for interactive users.

  • ensures peripheral resource availability.


Questão 183 de 200


Regarding the set of concerns that a process scheduling algorithm
should address,

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • all of them can be effectively address by a
    single algorithm.

  • an OS should use two or more scheduling algorithms alternately
    so as to address all of the concerns.

  • only a couple of the concerns are truly important, and the
    remainder can be safely ignored.

  • some of the concerns are contradictory, so invariably
    not all concerns can be addressed by
    the OS.


Questão 184 de 200


With respect to process scheduling, it is helpful to view a process as

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • being primarily CPU bound.

  • being primarily I/O bound.

  • an intense period of CPU usage.

  • alternating sequences of CPU usage and waiting for I/O.


Questão 185 de 200


A CPU bound process is one in which

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • it spends most of its time in the ready or running state.

  • it spends most of its time in the blocked state.

  • once it obtains the CPU, it runs to completion.

  • most of the time it's waiting for the memory to be available.


Questão 186 de 200


An I/O bound process is one in which

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • it spends most of its time in the ready or running state.

  • it spends most of its time in the blocked state.

  • once it obtains the CPU, it runs to completion.

  • most of the time it's waiting for the memory to be available.


Questão 187 de 200


Preemptive scheduling is when a process

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • spends most of its time in the ready or running state.

  • spends most of its time in the blocked state.

  • can be booted out of the CPU by the scheduler, before the
    process is finished.

  • can be booted out of the CPU by another user process, before the
    process is finished.


Questão 188 de 200


Non-preemptive scheduling is when a process

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • spends most of its time in the ready or running state.

  • spends most of its time in the blocked state.

  • never becomes blocked.

  • always runs to termination
    once it's in the CPU.

  • None of the above


Questão 189 de 200


Which type of process scheduling is
suited for interactive processing?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • non-preemptive.

  • dedicated

  • busy wait.

  • preemptive


Questão 190 de 200


Which of the following are batch process scheduling algorithms?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Priority Scheduling.

  • First Come, First Serverd.

  • Guaranteed Scheduling.

  • Shortest Remaining Time.


Questão 191 de 200


The following steps describe which process scheduling algorithm?

Processes are added to a single queue in the order they are started.
The process at the front of the queue is run until it either completes, or blocks.
Once a process becomes ready again (after being blocked), it joins the end of the queue.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Round Robin Scheduling.

  • First Come, First Served.

  • Guaranteed Scheduling.

  • Fair-Share Scheduling.


Questão 192 de 200


Which of the following process scheduling algorithms needs to know the
typical amount of time that a process often takes to complete?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Guaranteed Scheduling.

  • Shortest Job First.

  • Priority Scheduling.

  • Fair-Share Scheduling.

  • Shortest Remaining Time.


Questão 193 de 200


Which of the following process scheduling algorithms favors CPU bound
over I/O bound processes?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • First Come, First Served

  • Shortest Job First

  • Shortest Remaining Time

  • Guaranteed Scheduling.


Questão 194 de 200


Which of the following process scheduling algorithms improves the average
turnaround time on a batch system?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • First Come, First Served

  • Shortest Job First

  • Shortest Remaining Time

  • Guaranteed Scheduling.


Questão 195 de 200


Which of the following process scheduling algorithms improves the average
throughput on a batch system?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • First Come, First Served

  • Shortest Job First

  • Shortest Remaining Time

  • Guaranteed Scheduling.


Questão 196 de 200


The following steps describe which process scheduling algorithm?

Processes are chosen to run from the front of a single ready queue.
Each process can run a max time called a quantum.
Processes may block before all of their time quantum is used.
As processes become ready, they go to the end of the ready queue.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • First Come, First Served.

  • Round Robin Scheduling.

  • Priority Scheduling.

  • Fair-Share Scheduling.


Questão 197 de 200


The following steps describe which process scheduling algorithm?

Each process has a priority.
The ready process with the highest priority runs next.
Priorities can be set statically and/or dynamically.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Round Robin Scheduling.

  • Guaranteed Scheduling.

  • Priority Scheduling.

  • Fair-Share Scheduling.


Questão 198 de 200


The following steps describe which process scheduling algorithm?

Each queue corresponds to a different max time quantum to run.
If a process uses all of its time quantum, it's added to the end of the next highest quantum queue when it's moved to the ready state.
If a process blocks before exhausting its time quantum, it's added to the end of the next lowest quantum queue when it's moved to the ready state.
The processes in queues with larger quantum are run less frequently.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Round Robin Scheduling.

  • Multiple Queues.

  • Priority Scheduling.

  • Fair-Share Scheduling.


Questão 199 de 200


Which process scheduling algorithm(s) are particularly well suited to
very slow context switching?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Guaranteed Scheduling.

  • Multiple Queues.

  • Lottery Scheduling.

  • First Come, First Served.


Questão 200 de 200


Which process scheduling algorithm(s) are particularly well suited to
enforcing an advertised policy?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Multiple Queues.

  • Guaranteed Scheduling.

  • Lottery Scheduling.

  • Fair-Share Scheduling.
