Criado por Erika Corona
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
YOur brother or sister is your...
YOur mother and father are your...
Your mother´s sister is your...
YOur daughters´ husband is your...
Your sister´s son is your...
YOur brother´s wife is your...
Your sister´s daughter is your...
YOur father´s brother is your...
YOur aunt´s or uncle´s children are your...
Your father, mother, sister, and brother are your...
YOur husband´s mother is your...
Your daughter´s son is your...
A person who has no brothers or sisters is called an...
Your mother´s new husband (not your father) is your...
A child whose mother and father are dead is an...
An unmarried man is called...
A woman whose husband has died is a ...
Your mother´s parents are your...
Your father´s parents are your...
a child who you have legal custody of, but is not your biological child, is your...