Criado por Georgia Tan
mais de 9 anos atrás
What is the imaginary DGP spreadsheet?
The fundamental notion behind statistics is that of a _____________
The fundamental property of a process is?
Each repetition of the DGP produces a data record for a ______
What is the difference between Descriptive and Inferential Statistics?
What is a data generating process?
Give an example of a DGP?
What is a random variable?
Name the two types of random variables.
What is the difference between a random variable and a random vector?
The statistical techniques covered in our mgmt sc course require that the DGP of interest is:
What does saying that the DGP of interest = stationary mean?
There are 2 parts to the explanation
What is a non-stationary process
What can one do to make a DGP stationary?
What is the rule of thumb to determine if the DGP is stationary?
When do we consider a DGP fully characterized?
What is the distribution of a DGP?
What is the probability as defined or as measured by the DGP?
What is inferential stats about?
On a spreadsheet, what is a random variable?
What is a random vector?
What is the distribution of the random variable?
The histogram of a discrete random variable is sometimes called_____
What does the () Rand functio do?
What is the law of large numbers?
What fundamental question does the binomial distribution answer?
What’s the chance of n successes in m independent yes/no experiments (aka “trials”) ----> what does independent mean in this case?
What is the excel function for Binomial Distribution?
define each of the letters
What does the formula calculate when you pick False?
What does the formula calculate when you pick True?
How do you find the probability of at least n successes in m trials, using =binom.dist(n,m,p,F/T) ??
What is the difference b/w Poisson and Binomial?
How does the Poisson process relate to the stationarity assumption?
What is the excel function for Poisson?
Excel = poisson.dist(x,m,F/T)
Explain each of the letters
Excel = poisson.dist(x,m,T/F)
What does True mean?
Excel = poisson.dist(x,m,T/F)
What does False mean?
What are the two types of probability questions?
When the average number of events, x, is larger than 30, then what happens to the Poisson distribution ?
If N is the number of trials and P is the success probability of the binomial distribution and both N*P>10 and N*(1-P)>10, then what happens to the normal distribution?
u +- 1sd
u +-2sd
What does the norm.dist formulas calculate?
=norm.dist (x, mean, stdev, TRUE) - what does this do?
=norm.inv(p, mean, stdev)
what does this do?
What is the link b/w a random vector & the percentile curve?
How do u know if independent variables x and y are truly independent?