Criado por Sam McEwan
mais de 9 anos atrás
Bronze Age
Iron Age
The Cycladic Peoples
The Minoan Peoples
The Mycenaean Peoples
Archaic Age
Define what a myth is and the term mythos?
Plato's Atlantis vs Greek Atlantis
Mythological Motifs
Functions of a Myth
Muses and Poetry
Elements of Creation in Hesiod's Theogony
Offspring of Earth (Without a consort)
The Descendants of Chaos (Children of the Night)
The Furies: Allecto (endless), tisiphone (punishment) and Magaera (jealous rage)
Hesiod: Theogony and Works & Days
Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound
Ovid: Metamorphoses
Definitions (C)
Definitions (C)
Definitions (H)
Definitions: (F)
Definitions: (L)
Definitions: (M)
Definitions: (N)
The Fates
The Story of Io, Argos and Hermes
Ouranos vs Kronos
Kronos (Saturn), Father Time and Grim Reaper
The Myth of Phaethon (From Ovid's Metamorphoses)
Zeus (The CLoud Gatherer, Lord of Lightening and Lord of Rain symbolized by a thunderbolt and an eagle
The Giants in Hesiod's Theogony
Titans (1st Generation)
Myths in Performance
Comparison: Kronos vs Ouranus and Kronos vs Zeus
Zeus and Hera
Myth of Tithonus
Myth of Tithonus in the Homeric Poems to Aphrodite
Hesiod and Aphrodite (from Aphros meaning foam)
Prometheus and Zeus
Zeus vs the Titans
The Hundred Handers (Hecatonchires)
Zeus vs the Giants
Zeus vs Typhoeus
Zeus and Metis (meaning wisdom, skill or craft, an Oceanid born of Oceanus and Tethys
Zeus' Marriages to the Personifications of Justice and Order (See PG. 48)
The Descendants of Iaepetos
Prometheus and the Sacrifices
Prometheus and the Celestial Fire
Prometheus' Torment on Mount Caucasus
COmparison of Prometheus' portrayal in Hesiod's Theogony and Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound
Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound
Dramatic Personae
Classical Age
The Descendants of Iaepetos
The Story of the Flood
Epic POetry (Myths used to entertain)
Lyric POetry
Dramatic POetry
PLato's 'Logos' and 'Mythos'
Io's suffering in Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus
Pandora (pan=many and dore=gifts)
Pandora and Epithemeus
Pandora's Box
Comparison of Pandora's Story to Prometheus' Story