Statistically are responsible for the highest mortality rate in ages 16 to 25 years
An , sometimes described as an "Act of God", implies that no one was at fault.
A is the result of one or more people acting incorrectly that results in the loss of and therefore collides with another vehicle or object.
Approximately % of "accidents: are actually collisions.
The 4 essential for every defensive driver are: ; ; ; and .
is the most important of all the essentials.
What is the second most important essential:
Define the Total Traffic Scene: , , and .
List the 7 Sniper Positions: , , , , , , and .
The acronym for the Lane Change Procedure is .
If your vehicle has Blind Spot Warning Indicators or cameras is it still necessary to check over your shoulder before changing lanes, backing, or pulling to or away from a curb?
In the Rules of Right of Way what does STP stand for: , , and