Criado por E M
mais de 2 anos atrás
What are the 4 pathogenic components of enzootic pneumonia in calves?
What components of enzootic pneumonia can be vaccinated against?
What are the 3 pathogenic components of Shipping fever in cattle?
How do you isolate histophilus somni?
What group of cattle and at what time are at risk of shipping fever?
An old ewe presents with chronic weight loss, and is now coughing, and producing foamy mucoid fluid from its nostrils. On examination the sheep has a RR of 60 and crackles on lung auscultation. What dx is likely?
What sort of pathogen causes maedi visna in sheep?
Which disease are older, fatter beef cattle predisposed to after moving to lush pasture?
What causes bovine farmer's lung?