Criado por Summer Pearce
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
Name the four functions of family according to George Peter Murdock (1949).
What are the problems with Murdock's functions of the family?
Who devised the (FUNC.) 'functional fit' theory?
What is the functional fit theory?
What did Parsons say affected the structure of family to change from extended to nuclear?
What are the two structures defined by Parsons?
What are the two types of society recognised by Parsons?
What family structure can be found in Parson's 'Pre-Industrial' society.
What family structure can be found in Parson's 'Industrial' society.
What are the two needs of Industrial society according to Parsons?
What is geographical mobility?
What is social mobility?
Why did the nuclear family become more common that the extended family during the Industrial revolution?
Why does Industrial society need to be more socially mobile than traditional society?
How does the nuclear family encourage social mobility?
Why is the nuclear family 'structurally isolated'?
What were the functions of Pre-Industrial society?
What happens to the functions of family as a society industrialises?
What are the essential or 'irreducible' functions of the Industrial nuclear family?
Why did Young and Willmott criticise Parsons' theory?
Why did Peter Laslett criticise Parsons' theory?
What is the exchange theory?
Why does Michael Anderson criticise Parsons' theory?
Why do Young and Willmott show partial support for Parson's theory?
Why are extended families still present in modern society?
Is the New Right left or right wing politics?
What are the claims of the New Right towards marriage and families?
What are the criticisms of these claims of the New Right?
What is the 'correct' type of family according to functionalism and the New Right?
Why does the New Right say that the nuclear family is important?
Why do people criticise the New Right in terms of their view on the nuclear family?
What are the similarities between functionalism and the New Right?
Marxists think social institutions (e.g. family) contribute to maintaining...
How does the Marxist view contrast with the functionalist view of the family?
What did Karl Marx call the earliest classless society? What was it like?
What was family structure like during primitive communism?
Why did family structure evolve from 'promiscuous horde' to the monogamous, patriarchal nuclear family according to Engels? (MARX.)
What do Marxists argue would happen if capitalism was overthrown?
What do Marxists mean by ideology?
How does the family perform ideological functions for capitalism? (MARX.)
Eli Zaretsky says the family performs another ideological function. What is it? (MARX.)
How else does the family maintain capitalism? (MARX.)
How can the Marxist perspective of the family be criticised?
After the Russian revolution in 1917, what did Communists think of people spending time at home?
What was the intention for women? (S.COM.)
Why did was the family deconstructed under Soviet Communism?
Describe the views of the radical reformer, L.M. Sabsovich. (S.COM.)
What were some of the changes in the law towards the family in Soviet Communist Russia?
What were the effects of these laws?
How did Josef Stalin solve these issues in 1934? (S.COM.)
According to Eli Zaretsky, describe the division of labour between the sexes from the Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution. (MARX.)
What is the function of the family according to Zaretsky? (MARX.)
Expand on the idea that the family is site of consumption; ie) how does it help capitalism?
Explain some of Zaretsky's feministic ideas in terms of the ideal future solution. (MARX.)
What are some of the problems with Zaretsky's future ideals? (MARX.)
What do radical feminists believe is the root of women's oppression?
What does Germaine Greer suggest is a solution for women's oppression within the family? (FEM.)
Define 'political lesbianism.' (FEM.)
What is similar between Marxist feminist ideas and radical feminist ideas of the family?
Give strengths and limitations of radical feminist ideas of family.
What do Marxist feminists believe about the family?
What functions does women's oppression perform to benefit capitalism?
What do Marxist feminists believe must happen in order to achieve gender equality in families?
Give strengths and limitations of the Marxist feminist view of the family.
Describe the liberal feminist view of the family.
Give strengths and limitations of the liberal feminist view of the family.
What is the difference feminist view on the family?
Give a strength and limitation of the difference feminist view of the family.
What is the Personal Life Perspective of the family?
Why is a bottom-up approach sometimes more effective than a structural one? (PLP)
Why is family more than just blood or marital relationships? (PLP)
Give examples of relationships that do not involve blood or marriage that people define as family. (PLP)
What did Becky Tipper study in 2011 and what did she find? (PLP)
What do Nordqvist and Smart argue about chosen families? (PLP)
What are some of the challenges facing lesbian couples who decide to conceive using donor sperm through a fertility clinic? (PLP)
What are some of the challenges facing lesbian couples who decide to conceive using donor sperm through a personal arrangement? (PLP)
How does donor conception challenge Murdock's definition of the family? (PLP)
Why could the circumstances of the family arrangement involving a donor conceived child change? (PLP)
Who might be considered family to a donor conceived child? (PLP)
What is the legal status of a sperm donor in relation to a donor conceived child belonging to a lesbian couple? (PLP)
If there is conflict within a chosen family, what might a judge based their decisions on? (PLP)
What does PLP say about the trend regarding friendships and family?
What is a 'lat' relationship? (PLP)
Give some criticisms of PLP.