Criado por Nazneen Iqbal
mais de 2 anos atrás
Within what period must an application for first registration be made to HMLR?
What is overreaching?
Define Overriding
What is severance?
What is declaration of trust?
What are the 3 characteristics for a lease or tenancy?
Characteristics of easement
What is easement by prescription?
Restrictive covenant
Positive covenant
Profit a prendre
What is the minimum period of ownership that the title deeds must demonstrate?
How many months the solicitor has to apply for first registration of title to land?
What is the minimum period of adverse possession?
Profit à prendre appurtenant
Right of entry
Profit à prendre in gross
Concurrent interest
Characteristics of Valid Deed
Contract for Land features
If title is unregistered, which of the following are necessary to deduce title?
Epitome of title
When does title pass with respect to a sale of unregistered land?
Restrictive covenant
Estate contract
Rights of non-owning spouses/civil partners
Equitable easement
Puisne mortgage
For how long must a person occupy unregistered land in order for the legal owner to lose the right to recover the land?
Which factors will trigger an application for first registration?
Absolute freehold title
Possessory title
Good leasehold title
Qualified title
Absolute leasehold title
When a tenant in common dies, what happens to their interest in the property?
When a joint tenant dies, what happens to their interest in the property?
How many people may own the legal estate?
When will a tenancy in common be appropriate?
How joint tenancy can be severed?
What are the Types of Lease?
Key characteristics of Lease
Covenant quiet enjoyment
Qualified alterations covenant
Absolute bar on alteration
Jervis v Harris Clause
Lease clause before 1 Jan 1996
Authorised Guarantee Agreement
Define Assignment
Define Subletting
Servient tenement
Dominant tenement
Easement by implied grant or reservation
Easement by prescription
Easement by express grant or reservation
How can equitable mortgage be created?
What is the priority rule for equitable mortgage?
What is the period for taking enforcement action?
What are the conditions in which a covenant will be enforceable by a coventee's successor?
How do banks protect its interest in case of registered and unregistered land?
When does prescriptive right of use of land arise?
When is the power of sale exercisable by the bank/mortgagee?
Difference between charges register and property register
Form A restriction
When does legal title transfer to the buyer?
What are the legal conditions for a short lease to take effect?
Qualified covenant