Twitter is an example of a Microblog. Why is this?
Because it restricts you to typing 140 words in a post.
Because you can only post to a small online audience.
Twitter is small.
''A regularly updated website or web page, typically one, run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style online.'' What is this describing?
Social Network.
Online Profile.
World of Warcraft is a virtual world.
What does VoIP stand for?
Voiceover Internet Protocal
Virtual online Internet Protocal
Virtually obese Intelligent Pidgeons
is a measure of the available capacity of a (to carry data) measured in per second.
A Wizard, in terms of computing, is
A sequence of dialogue boxes which lead the user through a series of well-defined steps.
The Microsoft Paperclip.
A ‘search and locate’ system into which you type what you are looking for and a series of ‘best match’ results will then be displayed.